After working on the railroads in the 1910s and 1920s, many Greeks settled in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Below are three newspaper articles written by or about some of the Greeks who settled in Minneapolis. You can download full size copies here

A Journey Through Space and Time
After working on the railroads in the 1910s and 1920s, many Greeks settled in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Below are three newspaper articles written by or about some of the Greeks who settled in Minneapolis. You can download full size copies here
A few years back, Plessa (Amygdalia) had a website. Someone went through the United States Ellis Island records and pulled the names of 200+ villagers who came to America for work. The website is gone, but I still have the spreadsheet and have uploaded a copy here. Amygdalia-Plessa Variations Immigration
Name | Residence | Age | Born* | Arrived |
Baratsis, Miltiades | Plessia, Turkey | 19 | 1890 | 1909 |
Baronhos, John | Plessa, Greece | 32 | 1882 | 1914 |
Barouhos, Aristidis | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1897 | 1914 |
Bascontas, Constantinos | Plessa, Greece | 26 | 1884 | 1910 |
Baskutas, Constantinos | Plessa, Doris | 19 | 1892 | 1911 |
Birmpos, John | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1896 | 1914 |
Bounos, Demetrios | Plessa, Greece | 22 | 1888 | 1910 |
Bounos, Efthimios | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1892 | 1910 |
Bounos, Eftimios | Plessa, Greece | 27 | 1893 | 1920 |
Bounos, John | Plessa, Greece | 30 | 1879 | 1909 |
Bunos, Eustalhio | Plessa, Greece | 35 | 1872 | 1907 |
Calimani, George | Plessia, Greece | 57 | 1857 | 1914 |
Calimanis, Theodoros | Plessa, Greece | 16 | 1898 | 1914 |
Callcamanis, Andres | Plessia, Greece | 43 | 1877 | 1920 |
Camatsis, Alexios | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1886 | 1911 |
Camoutsis, Alexios | Plessa, Greece | 26 | 1886 | 1912 |
Canios, Georgios | Plessia, Greece | 23 | 1884 | 1907 |
Canios, Joannis | Plessia, Greece | 18 | 1889 | 1907 |
Canios, John | Plessa, Greece | 16 | 1898 | 1914 |
Canios, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 42 | 1872 | 1914 |
Canios, Panagiotis | Plessa, Greece | 37 | 1877 | 1914 |
Canios, Panagiotis | Plessa, Greece | 32 | 1877 | 1909 |
Canios, Panayotis | Plessa | 18 | 1889 | 1907 |
Canios, Xenofon | Plessa, Greece | 35 | 1879 | 1914 |
Canitsis, Alexios | Plessa, Greece | 28 | 1886 | 1914 |
Carale, Emma | Plessia, Greece | 30 | 1890 | 1920 |
Caranasos, John | Plessa, Greece | 19 | 1890 | 1909 |
Caravokiris, Athanassios St. | Plessa | 20 | 1887 | 1907 |
Carayanis, Panayotis | Plessa | 21 | 1886 | 1907 |
Cassiakos, Dem. | Plessa | 30 | 1876 | 1906 |
Chaidemenos, Georgios | Plessa | 18 | 1889 | 1907 |
Chaidemenos, Panagiotis | Plessa, Greece | 19 | 1891 | 1910 |
Chantzis, George | Plessa, Greece | 23 | 1884 | 1907 |
Chardaloupas, Efthimios | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1895 | 1912 |
Chardaloupas, Georgios | Plessa | 22 | 1885 | 1907 |
Chardaloupas, Nicolaos | Plessa | 19 | 1888 | 1907 |
Chatzis, Constantinos | Plessa, Doris | 19 | 1892 | 1911 |
Chautzis, Christos | Plessa, Greece | 24 | 1886 | 1910 |
Chautzis, Joannis | Plessa, Greece | 20 | 1890 | 1910 |
Cocmotos, Christos | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1891 | 1909 |
Cocmotos, John | Plessa, Greece | 40 | 1869 | 1909 |
Cocmotos, Panagiotis | Plessa, Greece | 35 | 1874 | 1909 |
Cokmotos, Theodoros | Plessa, Greece | 26 | 1881 | 1907 |
Colokithas, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 48 | 1866 | 1914 |
Contonias, Athanassios | Plessa | 21 | 1886 | 1907 |
Contonnias, Dimitrios | Plessa | 25 | 1882 | 1907 |
Contsmuihos, Ath. | Plessa | 23 | 1883 | 1906 |
Cotonias, Andreas | Plessia, Greece | 19 | 1888 | 1907 |
Cotonias, Constantine | Plessa, Greece | 28 | 1881 | 1909 |
Cotonias, Constas | Plessa, Greece | 34 | 1880 | 1914 |
Cotonias, Euthymius | Plessa, Greece | 42 | 1867 | 1909 |
Cotonias, John | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1892 | 1909 |
Cotonias, John | Plessa, Greece | 42 | 1867 | 1909 |
Cotonias, Theocharis | Plessa, Greece | 15 | 1894 | 1909 |
Cotonias, Theodoros | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1896 | 1914 |
Cotrotsos, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 23 | 1889 | 1912 |
Cotsomichos, Nicolaos | Plessia, Greece | 19 | 1888 | 1907 |
Cotsomihos, Christos | Plessa, Greece | 42 | 1872 | 1914 |
Cotsomihos, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 14 | 1900 | 1914 |
Coumountzis, John | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1889 | 1907 |
Coutounias, John | Plessa, Greece | 33 | 1882 | 1915 |
Craniotis, Costas | Plessia, Turkey | 30 | 1881 | 1911 |
Daskalopulos, Antonios | Plessa, Greece | 24 | 1896 | 1920 |
Flokos, Panagiotis | Plesa, Greece | 35 | 1885 | 1920 |
Ganatsas, Athanasios | Plessa, Turkey | 20 | 1886 | 1906 |
Gianaras, Giorgios | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1882 | 1907 |
Giannaras, Andreas | Plessa, Greece | 39 | 1875 | 1914 |
Giannulas, Nicholaos | Plessia, Greece | 36 | 1879 | 1915 |
Hadji, Ekaterini | Plessa, Greece | 27 | 1895 | 1922 |
Haidemenos, Costas | Plesa, Greece | 44 | 1870 | 1914 |
Hautzis, Anastasios | Plesa, Greece | 16 | 1898 | 1914 |
Kalimanis, Athanassios | Plessa | 28 | 1879 | 1907 |
Kalimanis, Athanassios | Plessia, Greece | 38 | 1878 | 1916 |
Kalimanis, Efthimcos | Plessa, Greece | 34 | 1880 | 1914 |
Kalimanis, John | Plessa, Greece | 33 | 1887 | 1920 |
Kalimanis, Theodoros | Plessa, Greece | 15 | 1900 | 1915 |
Kallimanis, Andreas | Plessa, Greece | 32 | 1878 | 1910 |
Kallimaris, Athanassios | Plessa, Greece | 36 | 1878 | 1914 |
Kamontsas, John | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1897 | 1914 |
Kanios, Efthimios | Plessa, Doris | 19 | 1892 | 1911 |
Kanios, George | Plessa, Greece | 35 | 1885 | 1920 |
Kanios, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 48 | 1867 | 1915 |
Kanios, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 48 | 1867 | 1915 |
Kanios, Nicolas | Plessa | 40 | 1865 | 1905 |
Karabeisos, Alexandros | Plessa, Greece | 32 | 1885 | 1917 |
Karanassos, Constantinos | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1882 | 1907 |
Karanassos, Dimitrios | Plessa, Doris | 16 | 1895 | 1911 |
Karas, Panagiotis | Plesa | 22 | 1890 | 1912 |
Kardaloumpas, John | Plessa, Greece | 33 | 1882 | 1915 |
Kardalupas, Jean | Plessa | 19 | 1886 | 1905 |
Katsimbros, Joannis | Plessa, Greece | 33 | 1876 | 1909 |
Kocmotos, Athanosios | Plessa, Greece | 16 | 1898 | 1914 |
Kocmotos, John | Plessa, Greece | 46 | 1868 | 1914 |
Koimotos, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1894 | 1912 |
Kokmotos, Charalambos | Plessa, Doris | 35 | 1876 | 1911 |
Kokmotos, Demos | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1896 | 1914 |
Kokotos, Michael | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1893 | 1910 |
Koksumintos, Haralambos | Plesa, Greece | 39 | 1875 | 1914 |
Kolmotos, Theocharis | Plessa, Greece | 14 | 1896 | 1910 |
Kolokithas, Andreas | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1884 | 1909 |
Kolokithas, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1892 | 1910 |
Konemotos, John | Plessa, Greece | 46 | 1868 | 1914 |
Konisitolis, George | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1896 | 1914 |
Kontounias, Costas | Plessa, Greece | 30 | 1880 | 1910 |
Kotonias, Dimitrios | Plessa, Doris | 25 | 1886 | 1911 |
Kotrotsos, Demetre | Plessa, Greece | 29 | 1881 | 1910 |
Kotrotsos, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 20 | 1890 | 1910 |
Koukmotos, Charalabos | Plessa, Greece | 40 | 1870 | 1910 |
Koumotos, Panagiotio | Plessa, Greece | 45 | 1869 | 1914 |
Koumpotos, Atlanasios | Plesa, Greece | 16 | 1898 | 1914 |
Koumpotos, John | Plesa, Greece | 46 | 1868 | 1914 |
Kourotos, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 26 | 1895 | 1921 |
Koutsinia, Georgie | Plessia, Greece | 3 | 1913 | 1916 |
Koutsinia, Pagona | Plessia, Greece | 25 | 1891 | 1916 |
Kutunias, Georgios | Plessa, Doris | 22 | 1888 | 1910 |
Machas, Demetrius | Plessa, Greece | 42 | 1867 | 1909 |
Machas, Joannis | Plessia, Greece | 25 | 1882 | 1907 |
Maggolias, John | Plessa, Greece | 35 | 1879 | 1914 |
Manekas, Efihimios | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1897 | 1914 |
Manetas, Achilius | Plessa | 39 | 1867 | 1906 |
Manetas, Andrea | Plessa | 38 | 1867 | 1905 |
Manetas, Andrew | Plessa, Greece | 38 | 1871 | 1909 |
Manetas, Athanasins | Plessa, Greece | 12 | 1897 | 1909 |
Manetas, Constantinos | Plessa, Doris | 19 | 1892 | 1911 |
Manetas, Demetrius | Plessa, Greece | 32 | 1877 | 1909 |
Manetas, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 39 | 1876 | 1915 |
Manetas, Efthimios | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1894 | 1912 |
Manetas, Nicholas | Plessa, Greece | 38 | 1871 | 1909 |
Manetas, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 51 | 1864 | 1915 |
Manetas, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1899 | 1917 |
Manetas, Theodore | Plessa, Greece | 20 | 1889 | 1909 |
Manetas, Theodoros | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1892 | 1909 |
Manetos, Andras | Plessa, Greece | 45 | 1869 | 1914 |
Manetos, Efthimios | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1897 | 1914 |
Manetos, George | Plessia, Greece | 42 | 1874 | 1916 |
Manetos, Giorgios | Plessa, Greece | 30 | 1877 | 1907 |
Mangavas, Panagoitis | Plessa, Greece | 30 | 1884 | 1914 |
Mantaras, George | Plessa, Greece | 24 | 1883 | 1907 |
Mantsavas, Georghios | Plessa | 18 | 1889 | 1907 |
Mantsavas, Panagiotis | Plessia, Greece | 38 | 1878 | 1916 |
Mantzavas, Efthimios | Plessa | 22 | 1885 | 1907 |
Mantzavas, Pangiotis | Plessa, Greece | 23 | 1886 | 1909 |
Maskenkas, Constantinos | Plesa, Greece | 33 | 1881 | 1914 |
Matjavas, Andreas | Plessa, Greece | 29 | 1891 | 1920 |
Matsavas, Andreas | Plessa | 19 | 1887 | 1906 |
Matzabas, Epaminondas | Plessa, Greece | 40 | 1880 | 1920 |
Matzavanos, Panajottis | Plessa, Doris | 40 | 1870 | 1910 |
Matzavas, Angelis | Plessa, Greece | 19 | 1890 | 1909 |
Matzavas, Georges | Plessa, Greece | 33 | 1877 | 1910 |
Maultas, Epthimios A. | Plessa | 17 | 1890 | 1907 |
Moggolias, John | Plessa, Greece | 35 | 1879 | 1914 |
Mongholias, Joannis | Plessa | 25 | 1882 | 1907 |
Mongolias, Efthimios | Plessa | 27 | 1880 | 1907 |
Mouculias, John | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1884 | 1909 |
Mougolinos, John | Plessa, Greece | 23 | 1884 | 1907 |
Mougoulias, Epanimondas | Plesa, Greece | 30 | 1884 | 1914 |
Panagioton, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 39 | 1875 | 1914 |
Panagiotopoulos, Eustathe | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1893 | 1910 |
Panajotis, Tsocunus | Plessia | 22 | 1883 | 1905 |
Papadimitriou, Vasilios | Plesa, Greece | 53 | 1867 | 1920 |
Papageorgion, Athanassios | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1896 | 1914 |
Papageorgion, Athanassios | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1896 | 1914 |
Papageorgion, Epaminondas | Plessa, Greece | 45 | 1869 | 1914 |
Papageorgion, Panagiotis | Plessa, Greece | 13 | 1896 | 1909 |
Papageorgion, Theoharis | Plessa, Greece | 23 | 1894 | 1917 |
Papageorgiou, Theocharis | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1892 | 1909 |
Papageorgis, Epaminondas | Plessa | 37 | 1868 | 1905 |
Papaioannon, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 29 | 1883 | 1912 |
Papaioannu, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 22 | 1885 | 1907 |
Papaioannu, Joannis | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1882 | 1907 |
Papaiohannou, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 29 | 1883 | 1912 |
Papajohannou, John | Plessa, Greece | 37 | 1883 | 1920 |
Papandreon, Andreas | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1896 | 1914 |
Papandreou, Stauros | Plessa, Greece | 35 | 1874 | 1909 |
Papandreou, Stavros | Plessa, Greece | 38 | 1876 | 1914 |
Papathanasiou, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 32 | 1889 | 1921 |
Papazachariou, Sampros | Plessia, Turkey | 26 | 1884 | 1910 |
Papelis, Agissilaos | Plessa, Greece | 37 | 1883 | 1920 |
Papelis, Michail | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1892 | 1910 |
Papelis, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greek | 25 | 1885 | 1910 |
Papelos, Giorgio | Plessa | 23 | 1884 | 1907 |
Papely, Efthimios | Plessa, Greece | 19 | 1891 | 1910 |
Pardalas, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 49 | 1868 | 1917 |
Passelis, Agisilaos | Plessa, Greece | 24 | 1883 | 1907 |
Pittes, Atban | Plessa, Greece | 30 | 1884 | 1914 |
Pordalas, Dimitrios | Plessa | 32 | 1875 | 1907 |
Pordalas, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 40 | 1870 | 1910 |
Portonlas, George | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1896 | 1914 |
Pourtoulas, Andrew | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1891 | 1909 |
Pourtoulas, Theodore | Plessa, Greece | 38 | 1871 | 1909 |
Roubacas, Joannis | Plessia, Greece | 24 | 1883 | 1907 |
Roupakias, John | Plessa, Greece | 30 | 1884 | 1914 |
Roupakias, Stauros | Plessa, Greece | 23 | 1886 | 1909 |
Scandalis, Costantino | Plessas, Greece | 29 | 1888 | 1917 |
Sceparnias, Milliadis | Plessa, Greece | 33 | 1882 | 1915 |
Sceparnios, Miltiadis | Plessa | 27 | 1880 | 1907 |
Sciparnias, Evangelos | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1891 | 1909 |
Skeparnas, Andreas G. | Plessa | 20 | 1887 | 1907 |
Skeparnias, Andreas | Plesa, Greece | 28 | 1886 | 1914 |
Skeparnias, Andreas | Plesa, Greece | 28 | 1886 | 1914 |
Skeparnias, Evagelos | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1890 | 1915 |
Skeparnias, Georgios | Plessa, Greece | 35 | 1879 | 1914 |
Tabelis, Stavros | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1885 | 1910 |
Tebelis, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1892 | 1909 |
Tebelis, John | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1882 | 1907 |
Tempelis, Andreas | Plessa | 18 | 1889 | 1907 |
Tempelis, Andrew | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1892 | 1909 |
Tempelis, Constantine | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1892 | 1909 |
Tempelis, Constantine | Plessa, Greece | 30 | 1879 | 1909 |
Tempelis, Dimitrios | Plessa, Doridos, Greece | 18 | 1892 | 1910 |
Thaidemenos, Athanasios | Plessa, Doris | 18 | 1893 | 1911 |
Theaharopulos, Efstathios | Plessa | 33 | 1874 | 1907 |
Theoharopulos, Efstathios | Plessia, Greece | 41 | 1875 | 1916 |
Tsakoumi, Athina | Plessia, Greece | 22 | 1893 | 1915 |
Tselikas, Constantinos | Plesa, Greece | 46 | 1874 | 1920 |
Tselikis, Christos | Plesa, Greece | 43 | 1877 | 1920 |
Tsilos, Demitrios | Plessia, Greece | 52 | 1864 | 1916 |
Tunbelis, Andreas | Plessa, Greece | 26 | 1891 | 1917 |
Upamos, John | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1889 | 1914 |
Vacrinos, Panagiotis | Plessa, Greece | 19 | 1891 | 1910 |
Vlahogiannis, Georgios | Plessia, Greece | 35 | 1885 | 1920 |
Voustinos, Athanassios | Plessa, Greece | 37 | 1884 | 1921 |
Voutsinas, Eftimios | Plessia, Greece | 52 | 1864 | 1916 |
Voutsinos, Athanassios | Plessa, Greece | 37 | 1884 | 1921 |
Voutsinos, Athanassios | Plessa, Greece | 27 | 1883 | 1910 |
Voutsinos, Constantinos | Plessa, Greece | 20 | 1890 | 1910 |
Voutsinos, Demetrios | Plessa, Greece | 35 | 1879 | 1914 |
Voutsinos, Demetrius | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1891 | 1909 |
Voutsinos, Demetrius | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1891 | 1909 |
Voutsinos, Demetrius | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1890 | 1907 |
Voutsinos, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 36 | 1878 | 1914 |
Voutsinos, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 26 | 1889 | 1915 |
Voutsinos, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 36 | 1878 | 1914 |
Voutsinos, George | Plessa, Greece | 30 | 1879 | 1909 |
Voutsinos, George | Plessa, Greece | 22 | 1893 | 1915 |
Voutsinos, George | Plessa, Greece | 38 | 1877 | 1915 |
Voutsinos, Georgios | Plessa, Greece | 35 | 1877 | 1912 |
Yannaras, Giorgios | Plessia, Greece | 37 | 1880 | 1917 |
Zoferopulos, Dimitrio | Plessiado | 25 | 1879 | 1904 |
In the intervening years, I’ve created my own spreadsheet and added much more content- the names of the ships, who they were traveling to, who they left behind. This is not completed, but I have also uploaded the most current copy. I will update it as it changes.
Copy dated 11-11-2017 AMYGDALIA IMMIGRANTS With Details PUBLIC
Name | Residence | Age | Born* | Arrived | Ship | Going To | Nearest Relative | Person Notes | Spreadsheet Notes | |
Bacas (Bakas), George | Vraila, Greece | 25 | 1889 | 1.914 | Martha Washington | His cousin Dimitrios Kontagiois(??), 803 Tower Ave, Superior, WI | His mother Paraskevi Bacas, Vraila, Greece | Came before in 1907 and 1912. Because his town is next to Plessa and his mother's name matches Paraskevi, assumed to be the same George Baskoutas | This is a work in progress. UPDATED 11/11/2017. | |
1 | Baronhos (Barouhos), John | Plessa, Greece | 32 | 1882 | 1.914 | Carpathia | To his cousin Costas Baskutas, 117 Box, Brookston, Minnesota | His wife Efthymia Barouhos, Plessa | SOURCES: Ellis Island, Family Search, | |
2 | Barouhos, Aristidis | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1897 | 1.914 | Patris | To his brother John Barouhas, 17 Box, Brookston, Minnesota | His mother Ekaterini Barouhos, Plessa, Greece | He was held for 6 days special inquiry as a LPC (Likely Public Charge) and then deported on the ship Patris. Name could be: "Barounos" | CAUTION: Not all names are verified as having originated in or near Plessa, Greece |
3 | Bascoutas, Constantinos | Plessa, Greece | 26 | 1884 | 1.910 | Athinai | To his cousin Georges Manetas?, 125 Washington Street, NY | His wife Panagiota(?) Bascoutas, Plessa, Doris | ||
Baskatas, Constantinus | Plessa, Dory | 19 | 1892 | 1.911 | Athinai | His uncle? Pete Kamuchey, Cloquet, MN | His father Stamatou(?) Bakutas, Plessa | Date: 26 Feb 1911. Name is crossed out | ||
4 | Baskutas, Constantinos | Plessa, Doris | 19 | 1892 | 1.912 | Themistocles | His cousin Panagiotis Kamutzi, 50 Juneau Road(?), Milwaukee WI | His father Stamatou(?) Bakutas, Plessa | Date: March 1912 | |
5 | Birmpos, John | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1896 | 1.914 | Laconia | To his friend George Leigas(?), 513 West 51st Street, NY | His mother Chrissoula Birmpos, Plessa Greece | He was not admitted, Town was spelled "Flessa" | |
6 | Bounos, Demetrios | Plessa, Greece | 22 | 1888 | 1.910 | Athinai | To see his friend Efthimios Man(?) 682 Water Street, Milwaukee, WI | His father Nicholaos Bounos, Plessa Greece | He was not admitted | |
7 | Bounos, Efthimios | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1892 | 1.910 | Athinai | To his cousin George Chaidemenos, 976 North Water Street, Milwaukee WI | His father Demetre(?) Bounas, Plessa, Greece | ||
8 | Bounos, Eftimios | Plessa, Greece | 27 | 1893 | 1.920 | Pannonia | His brother John Bounos, 1532 West Superior 8, Duluth Minnesota | His wife Paraskevi Bounos, Plessa Greece | He also arrived in 1909 and spent 13 months in the US; married Paraskevi Karanasos | |
Bounos, John | Plessa, Greece | 34 | 1880 | 1.914 | Laconia | His brother Nicholas Bounos, PO Box 132 Superior WI | His wife Martha Bounos, Plessa Greece | Came in 1909-1912. Name is spelled Bounn and the town "+J19Plena" | ||
9 | Bounos, John | Plessa, Greece | 30 | 1879 | 1.909 | Patris | To his compatriot Athanassios Varnavelli(?) 125 Washington Street, New York | His wife Martha Bounos, Plessa Greece | ||
Bouviatis, John | Strouza, Greece | 35 | To his relative Nicholas Paloutis, 682 East Water Stree, Milwaukee EI | His wife Paraskevi, Strouza | no idea where this record came from | |||||
Boviatsis, John | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1896 | 1.914 | Laconia | To his brother (illegible) Bouviatis, 803 Tower Street, Superior WI | His mother Eleni, Plessa | |||
Bunos, Eustalhio | Plessa, Greece | 35 | 1872 | 0 | Moraitis | NA | His wife Ecat? Bunos, Plessa, Greece | |||
Bunos, Joanni | Plessa, Greece | 21 | 1889 | 1.910 | Athinai | His brother Athanassios Bunos, 682 E. Water Street, Milwaukee, WI | His father Mitro(?) Bunos, Plessa, Greece | |||
Bunos, Nicolas | Doridos | 23 | 1884 | 1.907 | Gallia | His brother-in-law Andreas Manetas, NY | NA | Single; Traveling with Kostas Daravasos (Karavasos), May be Nicholas Bounos | ||
11 | Calimani, George | Plessia, Greece | 57 | 1857 | 1.914 | Laconia (1912) | NA | NA | Deported, same as Georges Calimanos | |
10 | Calimanis, Theodoros | Plessa, Greece | 16 | 1898 | 0 | Laconia | His friend Boura(?) Bros(?), 5 Battery Street, NY | His mother Pol(?) Calimanis, Plessa | Handwritten notes say something about him being underaged and frail. Came the next year in 1915 as Theodoros Kalimanis | |
Calimanos, Georges | Plesca, Greece | 57 | 1857 | 0 | Laconia | His son I. (John???) Calimanos, 11? South 6th Ave, St Louis, Minnesota | His wife Ekaterini Calimani, Plessa | Deported, was held for 6 days as LPC | ||
12 | Callemanis, Andreas [note: could not find this record again on 1920 ship manifest page. See Andreas Kallimanis) | Plessia, Greece | 53 | 1867 | 1.920 | Pannonia | His brother Gus. Kalemanis, 111 North Broad Way, St Lous, MO | His brother John Callemanis, Plessia, Greece | Earlier page says he is heading to NY. Was in the US previously 1907 and 1912. Possibly MO. Plans to be in the US 5 years. Plans to be a US Citizen | |
Callimanis, Constantinos | Plassa, Doridos | 18 | 1889 | 1.907 | Massilia | To his friend Michail S????, Lynn, Mass | NA | Town spelled "Plassa" | ||
Camatsis (Camutsis), Alexios | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1886 | 1.911 | Themistocles | His relative Efstathios Mantzavas(?) [address illegible, possibly North water Street), Milwaukee WI | G???oula, wife in Plessa+I28 | Same as the Alexios Camatsis who came in 1912 and 1914 | ||
13 | Camoutsis, Alexios | Plessa, Greece | 26 | 1886 | 0 | Argentina | His brother in law P. Manzara? (Mantzavas?), 801 Tower Ave, Superior WI | Garoufalia, wife in Plessa | Same as the Alexios Camatsis who came in 1911 and 1914 | |
14 | Camoutsis, John | Vraila, Greece | 18 | 1894 | 1.913 | Martha Washington | Traveling to see his brother Athanassios Kamoutsis, 395 6th Street, Milwaukee WI. | Father Andreas Camutsis, Vraila Greece | ||
Camutsis, Georgios | Vraila, Greece | 19 | 1890 | 1.909 | Martha Washington | His friend Epaminondas Pappageorgios, 773 Water Stree, Milwaukee WI | Father Andreas Camutsis, Vraila Greece | |||
Canios, Georgios | Plessia, Greece | 23 | 1884 | 1.907 | Laura | His uncle Nick Canios, PO Box 341, Cloquet, MN | His father Ioannis? Canios | May be the same as George Kanios who came in 1922 | ||
Canios, Joannis | Plessia, Greece | 18 | 1889 | 1.907 | Laura | His father Nick Canios, PO Box 341, Cloquet, MN | His mother Efthimia Cainos, Plessia, Greece | |||
Canios, John | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1890 | 1.915 | Thessaloniki | His cousin Constantinios Coutounios, 64 PO Box, Superior, WI | His mother Efthimia Cainos, Plessa, Greece | Also arrived in the US in 1907 & 1914 | ||
Canios, John | Plessa, Greece | 16 | 1898 | 0 | Carpathia | His brother Panagiotis Canios 117 Box, Brookston, Minnesota | His mother Efthymia Canios, Plessa Greece | Traveling with his father Nick | ||
15 | Canios, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 42 | 1872 | 0 | Carpathia | His son Panagiotis Canios 117 Box, Brookston, Minnesota | His wife Efthymia Canios, Plessa Greece | There was also a Nicholas Kainos, who came to the US in 1905 who is 5 years older (1867) | |
16 | Canios, Panagiotis | Plessa, Greece | 32 | 1877 | 0 | Patris | His brother George Canios, XXXXXXX | His wife Xene Canios | Also came to the US also in 1907 & 1914 | |
18 | Canios, Panagiotis | Plessa, Greece | 37 | 1877 | 0 | Carpathia | His compatriot, Anastathios? Contonias, 803 Tower Ave, Superior, WI | His wife (Bolicheni?) Canios, Plessa, Greece | Came to the US in 1907 & 1909 | |
17 | Canios, Panayotis | Plessa | 18 | 1889 | 0 | Sofia Hohenberg | Dewey Douglas, WI? | His father Nicholaos Canios, Dewey Douglas, WI? | Farm laborer; first time in the US; not the same P. Canios who came in 1909 and 1914. May be the merchant who came to the US in 1992 | |
19 | Canios, Xenofon | Plessa, Greece | 35 | 1879 | 0 | Carpathia | To his nephew Theo(?) Cotsomihos, 117 Box, Brookston, Minnesota | His wife Evangelina Canios, Plessa Greece | His WW1 Draft card is under "Kanios" and list his birthday as April 16, 1875 and his wife as Evangelia living in Plessia, Greece | |
20 | Canitsis, Alexios | Plessa, Greece | 28 | 1886 | 0 | Carpathia | To his friend John (M????), 171 Box, Hoodwood, Minn | His wife (Garoufo ?) Canitsis, Plessa Greece | Came before in 1912-1913 to Hardwood, Minnesota. May be a Kamoutsis. An Alex Kames filled out a 1918 Alien Reg | |
21 | Carales, Emma | Plessia, Greece | 30 | 1890 | 1.920 | Pannonia | Going to see her husband Pantelis Carales, 1206 101st Ave, Duluth, MN | Dem. Zembela, Plessai Region | Admitted | |
Caranasos, Georges | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1895 | 1.913 | Roma | His uncle Gus Caranassos, Brookstone, MN | His mother Vasiliki, Plessa Greece | He came a year earlier but was deported. Said Gus was his father | ||
Caranasos, Joannie | Doris, Greece | 40 | 1870 | 1.910 | San Giorgio | His friend George Papa???, 537 ????, Milwaukee WI | Wife Helena | Ethnicity is listed as Turkish, born in Doris, Greece. No town listed | ||
21 | Caranasos, John | Plessa, Greece | 19 | 1890 | 0 | Patris | To his brother Constantine Caransos, 125 Washington Street, NY | His father, George Caranasos, Plessa | ||
Caranassos, Nicholas | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1902 | 1.920 | Cretic | To his Uncle Costantino Cotoma (Kokmoto?), 17 PO Box Pittsburg, PA | His mother Vasiliki, Plessa Greece | Arrived via Boston, MA | ||
Caransassos, Eustathios | Plessa, Greece | 23 | 1883 | 1.906 | Erny | To his Uncle Nicholas Kanios, ???? Sec 35, B??? Minnesota | NA | |||
22 | Caravokiris, Athanassios St. | Plessa | 20 | 1887 | 0 | Sofia Hohenberg | His friend Const. Papamitros?, 183 Market Street, NY NY | NA | Mole on right cheek. May be the same as "Tom Karavokyre" on his WW1 Draft card. Could not find on Ancestry | |
23 | Carayanis, Panayotis | Plessa | 21 | 1886 | 0 | Sofia Hohenberg | Dewey Douglas Co., WI | NA | Not listed in Ancestry | |
Cassiakos, Dem. | Plessa | 30 | 1876 | 0 | Giulia | His friend Theo. Facopoulos?, 139 Thompson Street, NY | NA | Not listed in Ancestry | ||
Catsenios, Stavros | Strouza (struza), Greece | 1.909 | Patris | |||||||
24 | Catsenis, Theodore | Strouza (struza), Greece | 1.909 | Patris | ||||||
25 | Chaidemenos, Athanassis | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1892 | 1.911 | Athinai | To his brother Georgios Chaidemenos, 973 North Water Street, Milwaukee, WI | His father Costas Chaidemenos, Plessa, Greece | Deported | |
Chaidemenos, Athanassis | Plessa, Greece | 19 | 1892 | 1.911 | Athinai | His friend Panagiotis Kamutzis, 44 Juneau Ave, St Paul, MN | His father Costas Chaidemenos, Plessa, Greece | Deported | ||
Chaidemenos, Georgios | Plessa | 18 | 1889 | 0 | Sofia Hohenberg | His Uncle ???? Papageorgio, ?973 North Water Street, Milwaukee, WI | NA | Single, first time in the US. B. Father: Epam? | ||
26 | Chaidemenos, Panagiotis | Plessa, Greece | 19 | 1891 | 0 | Athinai | To his brother Georgios Chaidemenos, 973 North Water Street, Milwaukee, WI | His mother Ekaterini Chaidemenos, Plessa | Based on his WW1 release record, this might make Peter the brother of George Chaidemenos who arrived in 1907. Father: Epam | |
27 | Chaidovsis, Nicolaos | Plesivitza, Greece | 17 | 1899 | 0 | Duca d'Aosta | His friend Vassilios ??????, PO Box 128, St John Nebraska | His uncle Antionios? | ||
28 | Chantzis (Hantzis), George | Plessa, Greece | 23 | 1884 | 0 | Moraitis | His uncle Andreas Giannaras?, 973 North Water Street, Milwaukee WI | His father E????? (Efthimios??) Hantzis, Plessa | ||
29 | Chardaloupas, Efthimios | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1895 | 0 | Argentina | G. Chardaloupas, brother, 801 Tower Ave, Superior, WI | His father Andreas Hardaloupas, Plessa | ||
30 | Chardaloupas, Georgios | Plessa | 22 | 1885 | 0 | Sofia Hohenberg | His nephew Andreas Mantsavas, PO Box 605, Madison, ILL | NA | Same as George Herdalefpas who came in 1920 | |
31 | Chardaloupas, Nicolaos | Plessa | 19 | 1888 | 1.907 | Sofia Hohenberg | His brother John Hardaloupas, 973 N Water Street, Milwaukee, WI | NA | ||
32 | Chatzis (Hantzis), Constantinos | Plessa, Doris | 19 | 1892 | 1.911 | Athinai | His cousin A. Const. Kallimanis, ???? Street, Lynn, MASS | His mother (Illegible) Plessa | This may be "Gus E Hanges" a brother of Christos and Ioannis Hantzis | |
33 | Chautzis (Hantzis), Christos | Plessa, Greece | 24 | 1886 | 0 | Athinai | Going to: His brother George Chautzis | From: His mother Polexini Chautzis, Plessa | ||
34 | Chautzis (Hantzis), Joannis | Plessa, Greece | 20 | 1890 | 0 | Athinai | On his way to: His brother George Chautzis | From: His mother Polexini Chautzis, Plessa | ||
35 | Cocmotos, Christos | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1891 | 0 | Patris | To his compatriot George Chaidemenos, 7 Albany Street, NY | His father Theodoros (Theocharis?) Cocmotos, Plessa, Greece | ||
36 | Cocmotos, John | Plessa, Greece | 40 | 1869 | 0 | Patris | To his compatriot John Cardaloupas, 125 Washington Street, NY | His wife Ellen Cocmotos, Plessa, Greece | ||
37 | Cocmotos,Panagiotis | Plessa, Greece | 35 | 1874 | 0 | Patris | To his compatriot George Chaidemenos, 7 Albany Street, NY | His wife Astero Cocmotos, Plessa, Greece | ||
38 | Cokmotos, Theodoros | Plessa, Greece | 26 | 1881 | 0 | Moraitis | To his uncle Nicholas Kanios, 341 PO Box, Cloquet, Minnesota | His wife Violeta Cokmotos, Plessa, Greece | ||
39 | Colokithas, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 48 | 1866 | 0 | Laconia | To his nephew Nikolaos Colokithas, 196 PO Box, Superior, WI | His wife Eleni Colokithas, Plessa | ||
40 | Contonias, Athanassios | Plessa | 21 | 1886 | 0 | Sofia Hohenberg | His brother Constantine Contonias, 973 Water, Milwaukee WI | Same father as Constatine. Coutonias | ||
41 | Contonnias, Dimitrios | Plessa | 25 | 1882 | 0 | Sofia Hohenberg | His cousin Constatine Contonias, 973 Water, Milwaukee WI | He is not listed in the index, but appears on line 1 of the ship manifest. There is another D. (Contoyannis) on the same page from Sotena a nearby village | ||
42 | Contsmuihos, Ath. | Plessa | 23 | 1883 | 0 | Giulia | His friend Theo. Facopoulos?, 139 Thompson Street, NY | NA | Not listed in Ancestry | |
43 | Cotonias, Andreas | Plessia, Greece | 19 | 1888 | 1.907 | Laura | His friend George Chaidemenos?, 973 North Water, Milwaukee, WI | His mother Ev???iou (Evdokia?), Plessia | Later served in WW1 under the name Andrew George Kotonias. Father: George | |
Cotonias, Constantine | Plessa, Greece | 28 | 1881 | 0 | Patris | To see his cousin Sperkanian Andr. (Sceparnias?? ) 975 Water Street, Milwaukee WI | His wife Euphryne(?) Cotonias, Plessa | May have been detained 2 days under the name Con. Cotonis. Traveling with his cousin John Cotonias. May be the same Constas Cotonias who came to the US in 1914 | ||
44 | Cotonias, Constas | Plessa, Greece | 34 | 1880 | 0 | Laconia | His friend Athanassios(?) V(?), 125 Washington Street, New York | His wife Efrosini(?) Cotonias, Plessa | April 1914 - Deported. Was in the country before 1909-1912. May be the same Constantine Contonias who came in 1909 | |
45 | Cotonias, Euthymius | Plessa, Greece | 42 | 1867 | 0 | Patris | His compatriot, Andr. N. Tempolis(?), 125 Washington Steet, NY | His wife Pagona(?) Coutounias, Plessa Greece | May be related to Theod. Efthimios Koutonias: He may be the father Efthimios | |
47 | Cotonias, John | Plessa, Greece | 42 | 1867 | 0 | Patris | His cousin Panag. Canios, No. 7 Fifth Street New York | His wife Urania Cotonias, Plessa, Greece | Traveling with his son Theoharis Cotonias. He may be the father John | |
46 | Cotonias, John | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1892 | 0 | Patris | To see his cousin Sperkanian Andr. (Sceparnias?? ??? Water Street, Milwaukee WI | His father George Cotonias, Plessa, Greece | May have been detained 2 days under the name Johannis Kotonias. May be the same as John Coutounias who entered in 1915. Traveling with his cousin Constantine Cotonias, Father: George? | |
48 | Cotonias, Theocharis | Plessa, Greece | 15 | 1894 | 0 | Patris | His uncle Panag. Canios, No. 7 Fifth Street New York | His mother Urania Cotonias, Plessa, Greece | Traveling with his father John Cotonias. "Henry" Kotonias WW1 draft card he lists mother, 2 sisters and 1 brother. On his Social Security application he lists: Father Name: John T Kotonias Mother Name: Elaine Bounos. In the 1940 Census he has a wife Mannie and a daughter Helen and son John. May be the same as Theoharis Cotonias. | |
49 | Cotonias, Theodoros | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1896 | 0 | Laconia | His friend Borous(?) (Illegible) New York | His father Efstathios? Cotonias, Plessa | Deported after being held for 7 days. Father: Efstathios? | |
50 | Cotrotsos, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 23 | 1889 | 0 | Argentina | His cousin John Canio, PO Box 66, Brookston, MN | His father George Cotrotsos, Plessa | Came before in 1907 and1910. Father George | |
53 | Cotsomichos, Nicolaos | Plessia, Greece | 19 | 1888 | 1.907 | Laura | ???Papageorgion ??? Water Street, Milwaukee, WI | His father Efth. Cotsomichos, Plessa, Greece | ||
51 | Cotsomihos, Christos | Plessa, Greece | 42 | 1872 | 0 | Carpathia | To his nephew Dimitrios Contonias, 803 Tower Ave, Superior, WI | His wife Paraskefy Cotsomihos, Plessa Greece | Traveled with his son | |
52 | Cotsomihos, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 14 | 1900 | 0 | Carpathia | To his cousin Dimitrios Contonias, 803 Tower Ave, Superior, WI | His mother Paraskefy Cotsomihos, Plessa Greece | Traveled with his father | |
Coumountzis, John | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1889 | 0 | Moraitis | To his cousin Gus Caranassios, 3xxx PO Box, Cloquet Minn | His father Evangelos in Plessa | Red complexion, fair hair, brown eyes | ||
Coutoumas, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1882 | 1.907 | Sophia Hohenberg | His cousin Kostas (Constatine) Coutoumas, 973 North Water Street, Milwaukee, WI | Town misspelled as "Glessa" | |||
Coutounias (Contorinias), John | Plessa, Greece | 33 | 1882 | 0 | Athinai | His brother Andreas Coutounia, 46 Juneau Ave? Milwaukee, WI | His wife Areti? Coutounias, Plessa | May be the same as John Cotonias, who was detained in 1909. His entry is crossed out. Father George? | ||
54 | Coutounias, Constantinos | Plessa, Greece | 37 | 1878 | 1.915 | Thessaloniki | His friend Stavros Mousca(?)kladias, 125 Washington Street, NY NY | His wife Pagona(?) Coutounias, Plessa Greece | April 1915; Also arrived in the US in 1910 & 1911. His father may be D. Koutonias and his mother's name may be Georgia | |
55 | Davos, Ioanna | Amegdalia, Greece | 18 | 1950 | 1.968 | Born Nov 7, 1950. Changed name to "Nitsa Davos" see ancestry | ||||
56 | Filipi, Alexandra | Plesivitsa, Greece | 31 | 1883 | 0 | Pannonia | Her husband G. Filipi, 807 Wood Street, Philadelphia, PA | Her father Michael Coutis Plesivitsa, Greece | May not be from Plessa, surrounding passengers were from Lidoriki and Malandrino. Traveling with her 9 year old son Michael | |
57 | Flokos, Panagiotis | Plesa, Greece | 35 | 1885 | 0 | Patris | His cousin Christos Philios, 356 South Main Street, Akron Ohio. | His wife Eleni Flokou, Plesa, Greece | May not be from Plessa. Traveling with 3 other men from same village. First time in the US | |
58 | Gianaras, Giorgios | Plessa, Greece | 31 | 1881 | 0 | Themistocles | His cousin John Koutagis(?), PO Box 67 Superior, WI | His wife Eleni, Plessa | Came before in 1907-1911, Superior, WI | |
Gianaras, Giorgios | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1882 | 0 | Moraitis | To his brother Andrew Gianaras, 127 North Water Street, Milwaukee, WI | His wife Helen, Plessa Greece | |||
59 | Giannaras, Andreas | Plessa, Greece | 39 | 1875 | 0 | Patris | His nephew Dimitrios Koutagiannias???, 803 Water Street, Milwaukee, WI | His wife Penelope, Plessa Greece | Came before in 1906 and 1912 | |
Giannaras, Georgios Elias | 1929 | 1.956 | Queen Frederica | Info comes from his Naturalization paperwork. | ||||||
60 | Giannulas, Nicholaos | Plessia, Greece | 36 | 1879 | 1.915 | Thessaloniki | His brothers, no first name, New Hampshire | His father Constaine | ||
Hadji, Ekaterini | Plessa, Greece | 27 | 1895 | 0 | King Alexander | Her fiancé John Papilar, PO Box 54, Sandestown, MN | Her father Mih. Hadji, Panteleymon, Greece | |||
Haideman, Peter Epamenonthas | Plessa, Greece | 1893 | Info comes from his WW2 draft card. Was brought over by his brother George who owned a candy store. Father: Epam | |||||||
Haidemenos, Costas | Plesa, Greece | 44 | 1870 | 0 | Themistocles | To his compatriot Dimitrios Kontagiois(??), 803 Tower Ave, Superior, WI. On another page it seems to say he is traveling to his brother in law Nicolas Bounos, 122 ???, Minnesota | His wife Violetta Haidemenos, Plessa Greece | Held as a LPC for one day then admitted. Came before in 1919 and 1912 to Brookston, MN. His original Ellis Island record is not in Ancestry. He entered under the name Costas H and was held under the name Kostas H. | ||
Haidemonos, Epaminondas (Pete) Efstathion | Plessa, Greece | 20 | 1931 | 1.951 | SS Italia | NA | NA | Applied for US citizenship in 1956. Not married at the time. | ||
61 | Haidemonos, Georgia | Plessa, Greece | 1890 | 1.907 | Info comes from his WW1 and WW2 draft registration. Has a mother and a 11 year old sister living in Greece. Town spelled "Plesseau, Greece". Owned a candy store. Father Epam? | |||||
Hambesis, Peter | Amigdalia, Greece | 38 | 1936 | 1.963 | Info comes from his Naturalization. Petition on Ancestry | |||||
Hantzis (Chantzis), Ioannis Efthimios | Plessa, Greece | 20 | 1889 | 1.910 | Athinai | To his brother George Chantzis, 125 Washington Street, NY | His mother Polexini Chantzis, Plessa | Name comes from Spyros C. Traveled with his brother Christos | ||
62 | Hatzis (Chantzis), Christos Efthimios | Plessa, Greece | 24 | 1886 | 1.910 | Athinai | To his brother George Chantzis, 125 Washington Street, NY | His mother Polexini Chantzis, Plessa | Name comes from Spyros C. Could not find any record | |
62 | Hautzis, Anastasios | Plesa, Greece | 16 | 1898 | 0 | Themistocles | Going to: His brother John Hantzis, 803 Tower Ave. Superior, WI | From: His mother Polexini Hantzis, Plesa | Thomas Hanges | |
62 | Herdalefpas (Hardaloupas)(Chardaloupas) George | Plessa, Greece | 36 | 1884 | 1.920 | Presidente Wilson | To see his nephew Demitrios Coutsomihos, 1532 West Superior Street, Duluth, MN. Plans to stay 5 years | His wife Vassiliki, Plessa, Greece | On Ellis Island the name is "Flessa". Came before in 1907 and 1912 to Superior, WI | |
63 | Kalimanis, Athanassios | Plessa | 28 | 1879 | 0 | Sofia Hohenberg | His friend John Paplas(?), 605 PO Box, (Illegible) Illinois | |||
68 | Kalimanis, Athanassios | Plessia, Greece | 38 | 1878 | 1.916 | Ioannina | His friend Athanassios(?) Kaiagula(?), 125 Washington Street, New York | His wife Krissofa Kalimanis, Plessa | Noted he had arrived twice before: 1907 and 1914 and had lived in Flathead, Minnesota | |
64 | Kalimanis, Efthimcos (Efthimios) | Plessa, Greece | 34 | 1880 | 0 | Laconia (1912) | His friend ???? Coutonias, NY ??? | His wife Polixeni, Plessa | ||
65 | Kalimanis, John | Plessa, Greece | 33 | 1887 | 0 | Pannonia | Wawina, Minnesota | His wife Assimo Kallimanis, Plessa Greece | NOTE: could not find any record of Andreas Calimanis with a 1920 entry into the US whose father was George. Possible his father is George; Relationship estimated from his brother Callcamanis, Andreas 1920 arrival in the US | |
66 | Kalimanis, Theodoros | Plessa, Greece | 15 | 1900 | 0 | Athinai | His father Efthimios Kalimanis, 348 PO Box, Chisom, MN. | His mother Xeni, Plessa | Same as Theodoros Calimanis who was not admitted in 1914. | |
67 | Kallimanis, Andreas | Plessa, Greece | 32 | 1878 | 0 | Athinai | His compatriot Michel ?????, 80 ????? Street, Lynn, Mass | His wife Pist???? Plessa | ||
Kallimanis, Andreas | Plessia, Greece | 53 | 1903 | 1.921 | Pannonia | On his way to see his father Athanassios Kallimanis, 1532 Superior Street, | Nearest relative: His mother Chrissafo Kallimanis, Nafpaktos, Greece | |||
Kallimans, Anna | Plessa (Amygdalia), Greece | 39 | 1908 | 1.946 | Marine Karp | Info comes from her 1947 Nat. Paperwork. She lists her husband as Andrew and their address as John Kamuchey's Park Place, Milwaukee WI | ||||
Kallimaris, Athanassios | Plessa, Greece | 36 | 1878 | 0 | Laconia | His cousin Christos Comoutsis 803 Tower Ave, Superior, WI (name was later spelled: Koutoulios | His wife Christ(?) Kallimaris, Plessa | Was in the US before 1907-1911, Cloquet. Michigan | ||
Kamontsas (Kokmotos), John | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1897 | 0 | Patris | His uncle Christos Cokomotos, PS Box 64, Superior WI | His father Dimitrios Kamontsas, Plessa | Deported; held for 6 days as LPC (Likely Public Charge) | ||
69 | Kamoutsis, Athanasios | Vraila, Greece | 18 | 1892 | 1.910 | Argentina | Traveling to see his brother George Kamoutsis, 682 Water Street, Milwaukee WI. | His father Andreas Kamoutsis, Vraila, Greece | ||
Kamoutsis, Jan | Plessa, Greece | 23 | 1890 | 1.913 | Lusitania. | Traveling to NY to see his friend (illegible) living on Battery Place. | Father Evangelos Kamoutsis, living in Plessa. | Came before in 1907 and 1913. Height 5 feet 6 inches, brown eyes and chestnut hair. Ship: Listed as "Resident Alien | ||
70 | Kanios, Efthimios | Plessa, Doris | 19 | 1892 | 1.911 | Athinai | His cousin Peter Kanios, No 26 PO Box, Brookston MN | His father Epaminondas Kanios, Plessa, Greece | He was detained along with several others villagers from Plessa and "Likely Public Charge" (LPC) which mean they were worried he might become a public charge due to lack of $ or health. He was admitted after 4 meals. | |
71 | Kanios, George | Plessa, Greece | 35 | 1885 | 0 | Pannonia | To see his cousin Sperkanian Andr. (Sceparnias??) PO Box 34 Brookston, Brewster, MN | His wife Maria Kanios, Plessa, Greece | May be the same as George Canios who came in 1907 | |
72 | Kanios, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 48 | 1867 | 0 | Athinai | His nephew John Kamoutsis,?? PO Box. Superior, WI | Garoufalia??, wife in Plessa | There are two records for the same entry dated 5/10/1915. One has his name crossed out, the other is more legible | |
73 | Kanios, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 48 | 1867 | 0 | Athinai | His nephew John Kamoutsis,?? PO Box. Superior, WI | Garoufalia??, wife in Plessa | There are two records for the same entry dated 5/10/1915. One has his name crossed out, the other is more legible | |
74 | Kanios, Nicolas | Plessa | 40 | 1865 | 1.905 | Massilia | info hard to read | NA | Same as Nicolas Kanios who came in 1915 | |
75 | Kanios, Panayiotis | Pleassa, Greece | 32 | 1890 | 1.922 | King Alexander | His cousin James Cotsominos, 1510 W. Michigan, Duluth, MN | His wife Chrissoula, Pireaus, Greece | Occupation: Merchant | |
Kanios, Peter | Amygdalia, Greece | 32 | 1921 | 1.953 | Info comes from his Detroit Michigan entry (airplane) | His wife Maria Kanios, Detroit MI | His Uncle Athanassios Kanios, Amygdalia, Greece | |||
Karabeisos, Alexandros | Plessa, Greece | 32 | 1885 | 0 | Dante Alighieri | His friend Dimitrios Vapseston?, 5th Ave 282 Street, NY | His mother Loytan Karabeisos, Plessa | single | ||
76 | Karanassos, Constantinos | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1882 | 0 | Moraitis | To his cousin George D?. 13 PO Box Sheboyan, WI | His father George Karanassos, Plessa | ||
77 | Karanassos, Dimitrios | Plessa, Doris | 16 | 1895 | 1.911 | Athinai | His brother Const. Karanassos, PO Box 26, South Brookton(?), Brewster, Minnesota | His father George Karanassos, Plessa | may have been traveling with his cousin Gus Baskutas | |
78 | Karanassos, Georgios | Plessa, Doris | 15 | 1897 | 1.912 | final destination to Cloquet, MN; his father Gus (Const?) Karanassos, PO Box 53, Brookston, MN | His mother Vasiliki, Plessa Greece | deported | ||
Karas, Panagiotis | Plesa | 22 | 1890 | 0 | Themistocles | Going to his business 2027 Fond? Lake Ave, Milwaukee WI | Came before in 190x and1911. and traveled to Milwaukee, WI. Occupation: Candymaker | |||
Karavasos (Daravasos), Kostas | Doridos | 30 | 1877 | 1.907 | Gallia | Traveling to his cousin, Costas K???????, 158 th West, NY | NA | married, traveling with Nicolas Bunos. Name spelled "Costas Caravaovs" in Ancestry. Ellis Island: Daravasos | ||
79 | Kardaloumpas (Chardaloupas/Hardalupas), John | Plessa, Greece | 33 | 1882 | 0 | Athinai | Going to see his friend John Kontas?, 168 1/2 Lake Side Ave, Orange, NJ | His wife Efrosini Hardaloupas, Plessa | Occupation: Butcher. Came before in 1907 and 1912 to Weed, CA | |
80 | Kardalupas (Chardaloupas/Hardalupas), Jean (John) | Plessa | 19 | 1886 | 0 | Massilia | Going to see his friend ??? Z????, 408? East 23rd Street, ?????, NY | NA | May be the same as the John Kardalupas (Chardaloupas/Hardalupas who came to the US in 1915 | |
81 | Kartanos, Evdoxia Ioannis | Amygdalia, Greece | 1915 | Info comes from her Nat. Petition | ||||||
Kartanos, Ioannis Thomas | 1916 | info comes from his Nat. Petition. Lists 2 sons: Peter and Thomas both living in Greece; married to Evdoxia | ||||||||
Katsimbros, Joannis | Plessa, Greece | 33 | 1876 | 0 | Patris | His cousin John Manetas, 175 Washington Street, NY | His wife Ekatareni Katsimbros, Plessa | |||
Kocemater (Kokmotos), Chrystos | Doridos | 25 | 1893 | 1.917 | Cretic | His uncle Pana Cacamotos, 803 Tower Superior, WI | Father Theodore | same as the Christos who came before 1911. Arrived in Boston. Came in 1908 and stayed 13 months | ||
82 | Kocmotos, Athanosios | Plessa, Greece | 16 | 1898 | 0 | Patris | To his brother Michael Kocmotos, 803 Tower Ave, Superior, WI | His mother Eleni Kocmotos, Plessa, Greece | Traveled with his father John | |
83 | Kocmotos, John | Plessa, Greece | 46 | 1868 | 0 | Patris | To his son Michael Kocmotos, 803 Tower Ave, Superior, WI | His wife Eleni Kocmotos, Plessa, Greece | Traveled with his son Athanosios, came before in 1909 and 1911. On page 40, line 8-9. There is another John Konemotos with a wife named Maria | |
84 | Koimotos (Kokmotos?), Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1894 | 1.912 | Argentina | His uncle A. Manetas,??? St Loius Street, Bengal???, Minnesota | His mother Vasiliki Kokmotos, Plessa Greece | ||
Kokmotos, Alex | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1900 | 1.917 | Info comes from his Alien Registration dated 1918 and his 1974 death certificate. Father: Theodore | |||||
85 | Kokmotos, Charalambos | Plessa, Doris | 35 | 1876 | 1.911 | Athinai | His brother Christos, Kokmotos, 973 Water Street, Milwaukee, WI | His wife De?po, Plessa, Greece | same as Koksumintos, Haralambos and Chara. Koukmontos | |
85 | Kokmotos, Christos | Plessa, Doris | According to his brother Chara. He arrived before 1911 and was living at 973 Water Street, Milwaukee, WI. May be the same as the one who came in 1919 | |||||||
Kokmotos, Demos | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1896 | 0 | Patris | His uncle Alexander Theoharopulos???, 803 Tower Ave, Superior, WI | His mother Vasiliki Kokmotos, Plessa, Greece | Deported | ||
Kokmotos, Ioannis (John Peter) | Amegdalia, Greece | 29 | 1933 | 1.962 | Father name derived = Peter | Info comes from his Nat. Petition. Found an address that lists his birthdate: 10 Jan 1933. Name was changed to John peter Komotos | ||||
86 | Kokmotos, John Thomas [Ioannis Athanasios] | Amegdalia, Greece | 22 | 1936 | 1.955 | Father name derived = Athan | Info comes from his Nat. Petition. | |||
Kokmotos, Peter John | Amygdalia, Greece | 1899 | 1.914 | Info pulled from Cook County Death certificate on Family Search: Father's Name John Peter Kokmotos Mother's Name Elaine Boonis Spouse's Name Maria Kokmotos Informant's Name John Komotos Event Date 15 Jan 1974 Event Place Skokie, Cook, Illinois, United States Birth Date 16 May 1899 Burial Date 18 Jan 1974 Burial Place Amegdalea, , Greece. There is a Peter Kokmodos whose 1918 Alien Registration says he came to the US on April 12, 1914 - could not find record. His birthdate is Jan 18, 1899 | ||||||
87 | Kokotos, Michael | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1893 | 1.910 | Athinai | To his father Ioannis, Kokotos, PO Box, Cloquet, MINN | His mother Eleni Kocmotos, Plessa, Greece | His Greek name may be Mihos | |
88 | Koksumintos, Haralambos | Plesa, Greece | 39 | 1875 | 0 | Patris | To his cousin Dimitrios Koutagiannias???, 803 Water Street, Milwaukee, WI | His wife Dephina?? Kokmotos, Plessa, Greece | same as Kokmotos, Charalambos. Notes say he came in1910 and 1912 and worked in Superior, WI | |
89 | Kolmotos (Kokmotos), Theocharis | Plessa, Greece | 14 | 1896 | 0 | Themistocles | His father Christos Kokmotos, 973 North Water Street, Milwaukee, WI | His mother Gianna???? Kolmotos, Plessa, Greece | ||
Kolokithas, Andreas | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1884 | 0 | Patris | His relative G. Manetas? 125 Washington Street, New York, NY | His wife Eftichiaand in Plessa, Greece | |||
91 | Kolokithas, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1892 | 0 | Themistocles. | Going to: His Uncle Gus (Const?) Karanasos,973 South Water Street, Milwaukee, WI. | Relative: His sister Chrissafo Kolokithas, Plessa, Greece | ||
90 | Kolokythas, Andreas | Plessia, Greece | 37 | 1883 | 1.920 | Pannonia | Traveling to Hibbing, Minnesota | His father Nicholas Kolokythas, Plessia, Greece. He lists himself as married; occupation: farmer | ||
92 | Konemotos, John | Plessa, Greece | 46 | 1868 | 0 | Patris | To his cousin Epaminondas Matzabas, 803 Tower Ave, Superior, WI | His wife Maria Konemotos, Plessa, Greece | Came in 1909 and 1912, Superior, WI. There is a John Kokmotos/John Koemotos on the same ship with the same age, but his wife is Eleni (page 36, line 22) | |
93 | Konisitolis, George | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1896 | 0 | could not find record in Ellis Island. On Ancestry there is a "George Kontsaftis" from "Stilia" who arrived on the ship Athinai on on 26 Dec 1913. He lists his mother a "Olga" and was traveling to his father Vassilios at 35 Ferry Street, Springfield MA | ||||
94 | Kontounias, Costas | Plessa, Greece | 30 | 1880 | 0 | Athinai | To his friend Athan. Man?????, 125 Washington Street, New York, NY | Hif wife (Illegible) (Pagona?). Plessa | Came in 1905? And 1907. May be the same as the Const, Cotonias above. If so, his father would be "D" and his mother Georgia | |
Kotonias, Dimitrios | Plessa, Doris | 25 | 1886 | 1.911 | Athinai | His father Efthimios Kotonias, 219 W. ????? Street, Duluth, MN | His mother Pagona Kotonias, Plessa | Father: Efthimios | ||
96 | Kotonias, Dimitrios | Plessia, Doris | 29 | 1885 | 1.914 | Pannonia | His cousin Dimitrios Kontagiois(??), 803 Tower Ave, Superior, WI | His father Efthimios Kotonias, Plessa Greece | Father: Efthimios | |
95 | Kotonias,Theoharis (Henry) | Plessia, Greece | 1894 | Not listed; name found via | On his WW1 draft card he lists mother, 2 sisters and 1 brother. On his SS application his lists: Father Name: John T Kotonias Mother Name: Elaine Bounos. In the 1940 Census he has a wife Mannie and a daughter Helen and son John. May be the same as Theoharis Cotonias who arrived in 1914 | |||||
Kotrotsos, Demetre | Plessa, Greece | 29 | 1881 | 0 | Athinai | To his friend John Gahias(?), 72 Washington Street, NY | His wife Maria Kotrotsos, Plessa | His relationship to Nicholas Kotrotsos is not confirmed. The info comes from the Kotrotsos Family Tree on Ancestry: | ||
97 | Kotrotsos, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 20 | 1890 | 0 | Athinai | To his friend John Gahias(?), 72 Washington Street, NY | His father George Kotrotsos, Plessa | ||
98 | Koukmotos (Kokmotos), Charalabos | Plessa, Greece | 40 | 1870 | 0 | Athinai | To his brother Christos Koukmotos, 125 Washington Street NY | His wife Dep? Koukmotos, Plessa, Greece | Kokmotos, Charalambos | |
Koumotos (Kourotos), Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 26 | 1895 | 0 | Belvedere | His cousin Michael Kokmotos, 1532 West Superior, Duluth, MN | His wife Katina, Plessa. Came before in 1909 and 1913 to Duluth, MN | |||
99 | Koumotos, Panagiotio | Plessa, Greece | 45 | 1869 | 0 | Patris | To his cousin Epaminondas Matzabas, 803 Tower Ave, Superior, WI | His wife Atero? Koumotos, Plessa, Greece | Came in 1909 and 1912, Superior, WI. Also filled out an alien registration | |
100 | Koumpotos (Kokmotos?), Atlanasios (Athanasios) | Plesa, Greece | 16 | 1898 | 0 | Patris | His brother Michael Koumpotos, 803 Tower Ave, Superior, WI | His mother Eleni, Plesa, Greece | traveled with his father John. May not have been admitted. This may be | |
101 | Koumpotos (Kokmotos?), John | Plesa, Greece | 46 | 1868 | 0 | Patris | His son Michael Koumpotos, 803 Tower Ave, Superior, WI | His wife Eleni, Plesa, Greece | traveled with his son. May not have been admitted. Came before in 1909 and 1912. This may be John Kokmotos, page 36, line 15 | |
102 | Koutsinia, Georgio | Plessia, Greece | 3 | 1913 | 1.916 | Ioannina | accompanied by her mother | |||
Koutsinia, Pagona | Plessia, Greece | 25 | 1891 | 1.916 | Ioannina | Her husband Constantin Koutsinia, PO Box 324, Weed California | Her mother in law Georgia Koutsinia, Plessia, Greece | accompanied by her daughter; is the wife of Konsta. D. Coutonias, from her daughter Sofia 1919 Minnesota birth record her maiden name is Tempelis | ||
103 | Kovtonias, Ioannis [John Koutonias] | Amigdalia, Greece | 1943 | Info comes from his Nat. Petition | ||||||
Kutunias, Georgios | Plessa, Doris | 22 | 1888 | 0 | Athinai | His friend Efthimios Mantzavas?? , 682 East Water Street, Milwaukee, WI | His mother Frosini Kutunia, Plessa. Greece | There is a Const. Coutonias/Koutonias born 1880 who lists his wife as Efronisini; the ages don’t match with this one. | ||
Machas, Demetrius | Plessa, Greece | 42 | 1867 | 0 | Patris | To his son John Machas, 125 Washington Street, NY | His wife Chrysantha, Plessa | |||
104 | Machas, Joannis | Plessia, Greece | 25 | 1882 | 1.907 | Laura | His cousin John Papelis, 735 PO Box, Madison WI | His father Dim. Machas, Plessa | ||
105 | Maggolias, John | Plessa, Greece | 35 | 1879 | 0 | Patris | His friend Efthimios Mantzavas?? ,Bengal?, MN | His wife Maria, Plessa | Came before in 1909 to Superior, WI | |
106 | Manekas, Efihimios (see Manetas) | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1897 | 0 | Patris | His brother Theodore Manekas, Bengal? MN | None | Name was scratched out. There are two entries for him on the same ship's register. See Efth. Manetas. This entry under this name can only be found on Ellis Island. Father Nick? | |
Manetas, Achilefs | Plessa, Greece | 38 | 1874 | 1.914 | Themistocles | His son Tom Manetas, ? Minnesota | His wife Efrossini? Manetas, Plessa Greece | Town misspelled "Plena". Traveling with his son Nicholas. Both held for 12 days as LPC (Likely Public Charge) Achilles | ||
107 | Manetas, Achilius | Plessa | 39 | 1867 | 0 | Sophia | is brother Andreas Manetas 973 North Water Street, Milwaukee, WI | NA | Married Achilles | |
108 | Manetas, Andrea | Plessa | 38 | 1867 | 0 | Massilia | His friend Agamenon?? Pappas? | NA | Andrew Manetas | |
109 | Manetas, Andrew | Plessa, Greece | 38 | 1871 | 0 | Patris | His friend Athanassos Mamarelis, 125 Washington St. NY | Andrew Manetas | ||
110 | Manetas, Athanasins | Plessa, Greece | 12 | 1897 | 0 | Patris | His friend Athanassos Mamarelis, 125 Washington St. NY | His mother Catherine Manetas, Plessa, Greece | son of Athanassos Manetas | |
111 | Manetas, Constantinos | Plessa, Doris | 19 | 1892 | 1.911 | Athinai | His father Nicholas Manetas, 444 PO Box Cloquet, MN | His mother Violeta Manetas Plessa Greece | Father Nicholas Manetas. On his WW1 draft his name is spelled Gus Manitas. Held for a few days | |
112 | Manetas, Demetrius | Plessa, Greece | 32 | 1877 | 0 | Patris | His cousin Achilles Manetas, 125 Washington Street, NY | His wife Violet Manetas, Plessa, Greece | ||
113 | Manetas, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 39 | 1876 | 0 | Athinai | To see his Uncle Efstathios Karanassos, PO Box 75, Brevator, MN | His wife Violetta Manetas, Plessa, Greece | Came in 1909 and 1912 | |
114 | Manetas, Efthimios | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1894 | 0 | Argentina | His uncle A. Manetas, St Louis CP, Bengal, MN | His sister Vasiliki Plessa | May be the same Eft. Manetas who arrived in 1914. Father Nick? | |
Manetas, Nicholas | Plessa, Greece | 38 | 1871 | 0 | Patris | His brother Achilles Manetas, Washington Street NY | His wife Violeta Manetas, Plessa, Greece | traveling with his son Thomas Manetas. Apr 1909 | ||
116 | Manetas, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 51 | 1864 | 0 | Athinai | His brother Andrew Manetas, PO Box, Brevator? MN | His wife Violeta Manetas, Plessa, Greece | Also came in 1909 and 1911 | |
117 | Manetas, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1899 | 0 | Dante Alighieri | Final Destination: His friend Thomas Malico? 26 Grand Street, NY | His father Achilles, Plessa | ||
115 | Manetas, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 12 | 1902 | 1.914 | Themistocles | His brother Tom Manetas, ? Minnesota | His mother Efrossini? Manetas, Plessa Greece | Town misspelled "Plena". Traveling with his father Achilefs. Both held for 12 days as LPC (Likley Public Charge) | |
118 | Manetas, Theodore | Plessa, Greece | 20 | 1889 | 0 | Patris | His cousin John Manetas, 175 Washington Street, NY | His mother Egoliki?? Manetas, Plessa | deported, held for 3 days as LPC. Father Nick? | |
115 | Manetas, Theodore | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1891 | 0 | Patris | His uncle Achilles Manetas, Washington Street NY | His mother Violeta Manetas, Plessa, Greece | traveling with his father Nick Manetas. Apr 1909 | |
119 | Manetas, Theodoros | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1892 | 0 | Patris | His cousin John Manetas, 175 Washington Street, NY | His mother Egoliki?? Manetas, Plessa | deported, held for 3 days as LPC. Father Nick? | |
120 | Manetos, Andras | Plessa, Greece | 45 | 1869 | 0 | Patris | His cousin Athanassos Mamarelis, 125 Washington St. NY | His wife Katereni Manetas, Plessa | Father of Athanasios Andreas Manetas; came before in 1909. Town spelled "Plesser" | |
121 | Manetos, Efthimios | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1897 | 0 | Patris | His brother Theodore Manekas, Bengal? MN | His sister Vasiliki Haiden? Plessa | There are two entries for him on the same ship. This record is in Ancestry but see Eft. Manekas. May be the same Eft. Manetas who arrived in 1912 and was deported. Father Nick? | |
122 | Manetos, George | Plessia, Greece | 42 | 1874 | 1.916 | Ioannina | To see his friend Andre , Skeparnias(?), PO Box 40, Superior, WI | His wife La????? Manetos, Plessia, Greece | Was in the US before 1907-1911, Minnesota | |
Manetos, Giorgios | Plessa, Greece | 30 | 1877 | 0 | Moraitis | To his compatriot J. Chaidemanos, 975 North Water Street, Milwaukee WI | His wife Lampro???? Manetos, Plessa Greece | |||
123 | Mangavas (Managaras), Panagoitis | Plessa, Greece | 30 | 1884 | 0 | Laconia (1912) | His nephew John Makas (Mahas??), 803 Tower Ave, Superior, WI | His wife Ekatareni Managaras, Plessa | Deported; came before in 1909 and 1912 and later in 1916 | |
143 | Manioris (Kontogiannis), Theodora | Amygdalia, Greece | 1.933 | |||||||
Mantaras, George | Plessa, Greece | 24 | 1883 | 0 | Moraitis | To his friend George Tagapolous, 916 PO Box, Orange, NY | His father Dimetrios (James) Mantaras, Plessa | Born in Malandrio, Greece | ||
125 | Mantsavas, Georghios | Plessa | 18 | 1889 | 0 | Sofia Hohenberg | To his brother Andr. Mantsavas, 605 PO Box, Madison, Illinois | no info listed | His naturalization paperwork states he is from Plassia. His WWI draft card says "Plisse? A George M married a Mary in 1936 but stated on his 1939 paperwork that he was divorced, entered in 1907 on Sofia H. | |
124 | Mantsavas, Panagiotis | Plessia, Greece | 38 | 1878 | 1.916 | Ioannina | To his nephew John Mantsavas(?), 803 Tower Ave, Superior, WI | His wife Ekaterini(?) Mantsavas, Plessa | Might be one of the brothers of Achiles or Andreas; came in 1914 and was deported | |
Mantzavas, Aggelis A | pless, biródes | 1893 | 1.930 | Saturnia | NA, Marinett WI | |||||
126 | Mantzavas, Efthimios | Plessa | 22 | 1885 | 0 | Sofia Hohenberg | To his nephew Andr. Mantsavas, 605 PO Box, Madison, Illinois | no info listed | ||
Mantzavas, George | Plessa, Greece | 1889 | WW1 Draft card, birthday Dec 18, 1889 | |||||||
124 | Mantzavas, Panagiotis | Plessa, Greece | 23 | 1886 | 1.909 | Patris | His brother George Mantzavas, No 7 Albany Street, NY | His wife Katherine Mantzavas, Plessa, Doris | Came before in 1904 and 1912, deported in 1914 and later in 1916 | |
127 | Mantzavas, Pangiotis [see Mantzavas, Panagiotis] | Plessa, Greece | 23 | 1886 | 0 | could not find record in Ellis Island [see Mantzavas, Panagiotis] | ||||
Mantzouras, Epanrinontas | Plessa, Greece | 30 | 1880 | 1.910 | Athinai | His cousin Ethimios Matzavas, 682 East Water Street, Milwaukee, WI | His wife Ethimoula M, Plessa | |||
128 | Markos, Panagiotis [Peter Markos] | Amigdalia, Greece | 1934 | 1.960 | Info comes from his Nat. Petition (ancestry) | |||||
Maskenkas, Constantinos | Plesa, Greece | 33 | 1881 | 0 | Themistocles | To his compatriot Dimitrios Kontagiois(??), 803 Tower Ave, Superior, WI | His wife Panagiota Maskenkas, Plessa | Cane in1910 and 1912 to Brookston, Minnesota | ||
129 | Matjavas, Andreas | Plessa, Greece | 29 | 1891 | 0 | Father: Panajottis? | ||||
130 | Matsavas, Andreas | Plessa | 19 | 1887 | 0 | Father: Panajottis? | ||||
131 | Matzabas, Epaminondas | Plessa, Greece | 40 | 1880 | 0 | Pannonia | To his cousin Andrew Skerpanian, PO Box 40 Superior, WI | His wife Efthimia Mantzavas, Plessa | Also came in1910 & 1913 and stayed in Wisconsin according to record; married to a granddaughter of a Kamoutsis Her name is Koutonias) | |
132 | Matzavanos, Panajottis | Plessa, Doris | 40 | 1870 | 0 | Athinai | To his son Andreas Matzavanos, 612 Water Street. Milwaukee, WI | His wife Garoufalia?? Matzavanos, Plessa | Father of Andreas? | |
Matzavas, Angelis | Plessa, Greece | 19 | 1890 | 0 | Patris | To his compatriot Andrew Tempalis?, 125 Washington Street, New York | His father Athanasos Matzavas, Plessa | Father:Athan, | ||
134 | Matzavas, Georges | Plessa, Greece | 33 | 1877 | 0 | Athinai | To his cousin Costas Coutonis, 682 Water Street, Milwaukee, WI | His wife Vasiliki Matzavas, Plessa | ||
135 | Maultas (Manetas), Epthimios A. | Plessa | 17 | 1890 | 0 | Sofia Hohenberg | To his father Achilea(?) Manetas, Cloquet, MN | no info | Scar over eye | |
Mayles, Frank George | Plessa, Greece | 1879 | His wife: Dora | |||||||
Mayles, John George | 1891 | His wife: Palmyra | Info comes from his WW1 and WW2 cards. Wife: Palmyra. Also owns candy store | |||||||
136 | Michas, Elias | Plesivitsa, Greece | 31 | 1889 | 0 | |||||
137 | Moggolias, John | Plessa, Greece | 35 | 1879 | 0 | Patris | His friend Tom? Manetas, Bengal?, Minnesota | His wife Maria Moggolias, Plessa | Could not find in ancestry. Came before in 1909 and 1911 Superior WI. Name was scratched out | |
138 | Mongholias, Joannis | Plessa | 25 | 1892 | 0 | Sofia Hohenberg | His cousin E?? Mongholias, Madison, WI? | [Ioannis Mougoulias] [John Mayles] WW1 Draft 7 Jan 1892 . Traveling with Athan. Kalimanis (Arrived July 1907) | ||
139 | Mongolias, Efthimios | Plessa | 27 | 1880 | 0 | Sofia Hohenberg | John? Papelis, cousin ????? St Louis, Montana | NA | Date: March 24, 1907 | |
Montgavas (Mantsavas), Peter | Plaza, Greece | 1878 | his wife Katherine in Plaza, Greece | on his WWI draft card. Same as Peter who came in 1916 | ||||||
Montgavas, Angeles | Plassia, Greece | mother and father | WW1 Draft card. Oct 19, 1893 | |||||||
133 | Montgavas/Montzavos, Peter | 1878 | Wife Katerini | WW1 Draft Card. 15 Apr 1878 | ||||||
140 | Mouculias, John | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1884 | 0 | Patris | His compatriot George Anthimos?, 7 Albany Street, NY | His wife Mary, Plessa | May be the same John Moggolias, who came in 1914 with wife Mary | |
141 | Mougolinos, John | Plessa, Greece | 23 | 1884 | 0 | Moraitis | His brother Efth. Mougoilinos, 117 South 6th Street, St Louis, MN | His wife Astero, Plessa | Brother: Efthimios | |
142 | Mougoulias, Epanimondas | Plesa, Greece | 30 | 1884 | 0 | Themistocles | His brother in law John Hantzis 803 Tower Ave, Superior WI | His wife Maria Hantzis, Plessa | ||
Mpounos, John | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1889 | 1.914 | Patris | His uncle Athan. Manetas, PO Box 649, Superior, WI | His father Demetrios Mpounos, Plessa, Greece | indexed in Ancestry under "Upounos"; came before in 1910 and 1912 | ||
Panagioton, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 39 | 1875 | 0 | ||||||
144 | Panagiotopoulos, Eustathe | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1893 | 0 | |||||
145 | Papadimitriou, Vasilios | Plesa, Greece | 53 | 1867 | 0 | |||||
146 | Papageorgion, Athanassios | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1896 | 0 | Laconia (1912) | His brother Theocharis Papageorgion, Ironwood, MN | His father Andreas Papageorgion, Plessa | Deported | |
147 | Papageorgion, Athanassios | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1896 | 0 | Laconia (1912) | His brother Tom Pappas, Ironwood, MN | His father Andreas Papageorgion, Plessa | Deported | |
Papageorgion, Epaminondas | Plessa, Greece | 37 | 1868 | 1.905 | Massilia | Going to his friend Re?????? Zavorits, (illegible), 418 East 23rd Street, NY | NA | |||
Papageorgion, Epaminondas | Plessa, Greece | 45 | 1869 | 0 | Carpathia | To his son Panagiotis Papageorgion, 171 Box, Hoodwood, Minn | His wife Eleni Papageorgion, Plessa, Greece | Was also in the US in 1904-1911 in Milwaukee, WI. His wife's maiden name was Kamuchey | ||
Papageorgion, Panagiotis | Plessa, Greece | 13 | 1896 | 0 | Patris | His father Epam. Papageorgion, 973 Water Street, Milwaukee WI | His mother Eleni Papageorgion, Plessa, Greece | His occupation: scholar, passage paid by his father, Held for 10 days as LPC - Likely Public Charge. Later changed his name to Peter E. Pappas, His mother's maiden name was Kamuchey | ||
149 | Papageorgion, Theoharis | Plessa, Greece | 23 | 1894 | 0 | Dante Alighieri | His friend John Dalakas, 1835 3rd Ave, NY | His father Andreas Papageorgion, Plessa | came also in 1909 and 1914 to Wisc. | |
148 | Papageorgios, Vassiliki | Omygdolio, Plessa | 18 | 1912 | 1.930 | Berengaria | Final destination: Kelly Lane, MN. Her father Epam. Papageorgios, PO Box 121?, Kelly Lane, MN | Her mother Eleni Papageorgios, "Omygdolio, Doridos, Greece" | Was single when she arrived. Her mother's maiden name was Kamuchey | |
Papageorgiou, Epaminondas | Plessa, Greece | 62 | 1867 | 1.929 | Vulcania | Going to his son Peter Pappas, Section Foreman, Kelly Lake, MN | His wife Eleni . She and he are now living in (Tolofonas) | Occupation: Farmer | ||
Papageorgiou, Theocharis | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1892 | 0 | Patris | His uncle Eustathe Theaharopulos?, NE 125 Washington Street, NY | His father A. Papageorgiou, Plessa | Was also in the US in 1914, Hardwood Minn | ||
151 | Papaïoannon, Andreas | Plesia, Greece | 28 | 1886 | 1.914 | Kaiser Franz Josef I | His friend Michael??? Matalas???, 9 Albany Street, NY | His father Dimitrios Papaïoannon,Plessia, Greece | He is single. He has been to the US 2x before: 1905 & 1908 and worked in San Francisco. May be the brother of Joannis | |
153 | Papaioannon, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 29 | 1883 | 0 | Macedonia | Original said he was going to his friend ???? Kanios, 88 Bracley Street, New York, NY. This was crossed out and handwritten is: Nicolas????? Hodalas???,California??? | His sister Elaine? Papaioannou, Plessa, Greece | Single. Final destination was crossed out and is hard to read. He has never been to the US before. Scar on forehead. I found a 1922 naturalization application in Charlotte, North Carolina for him with a birthdate: Jan 1, 1883. He is working in a restaurant and is single. His middle initial in one of the immigration forms is "J" which may be his father's name | |
Papaioannu, Dimitrios (listed as Dimitrios Papaisamm) | Plessa, Greece | 22 | 1885 | 0 | Moraitis | To his father in law A. Maneta, 341 PO Box, Cloquet Minnesota | His wife Charlica???? Dimitrios Papaioannu (Manetas), Plessa, Greece | He has not been to the US before. This may not be the same Dimitrios who filed for citizenship in North Carolina based on marital status | ||
154 | Papaioannu, Joannis | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1882 | 0 | Moraitis | To his compatriot, G. Chaidemanos, 973 Water Street, Milwaukee WI | His father D. Papaioannu, Plessa | Has not been to the US before. May be the brother of Andreas | |
Papaiohannou, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 29 | 1883 | 0 | ||||||
156 | Papajohannou, John | Plessa, Greece | 37 | 1883 | 0 | Pannonia | His brother in law P. Chaidemanos, PO Box 348, Chisolm, Montana | His wife Maria (Chaidemanos,??), Plessa | Is the same John who came to the US in 1907. he stayed 1 year | |
157 | Papandreon, Andreas | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1896 | 0 | Laconia (1912) | His friend Bovias Bros, 5 Battery Street NY | His mother Galatia, Plessa Greece | On his WWI draft paperwork he goes by Andreas Pappas. He lists Steve Pappas in Plessa as his relative | |
158 | Papandreou, Stauros (Stavros) | Plessa, Greece | 35 | 1874 | 0 | Patris | His compatriot Aristotle Giannetos, 304 Market Street, NY | His wife Galato Papandreou, Plessa Greece | Same as the Stavros who came in 1909 | |
159 | Papandreou, Stavros | Plessa, Greece | 38 | 1876 | 0 | Laconia | His friend Bouros(?) Bras(?), 5 Battery Street, NY | His wife Galatise(?) Papandreou, Plessa | Deported. Was in the country before 1909-1911. Could not find record in Ancestry | |
160 | Papathanasiou, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 32 | 1889 | 0 | |||||
163 | Papelis, Ioannis Christos | Plaisia, Greece | 29 | 1885 | 1.914 | Pannonia | To his cousin John Mahas, 171 PO Box, Floodwood, Minnesota | His father Christos Papelis, Plessa, Greece | came before in 1905 and 1912 to Floodwood, Minnesota. Single. | |
161 | Papelis, Agissilaos | Plessa, Greece | 37 | 1883 | 0 | Susquehanna | On his way to see his brother Efthimios Papelis, Wrenhall Minnesota | His wife Ekaterini, Plessa | Came in 1907 and1910 and went to Superior, WI | |
162 | Papelis, Charilos | Plaisia, Greece | 18 | 1896 | 1.914 | Pannonia | To his cousin John Mahas, 171 PO Box, Floodwood, Minnesota | His father Christos Papelis, Plessa, Greece | Single. | |
165 | Papelis, Efthimios | Plessa, Greece | 24 | 1892 | 1.916 | Patris | His cousin John Papelis, 171 PO Box Flood Wood, Minnesota | His father Athanassos Papelis, Plessa Greece | came before in1910 and 1913, New York. Town was spelled "Platsi" | |
Papelis, Michail | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1892 | 0 | Themistocles | His brother John Papelis, 44 Juneau Ave???, Milwaukee, WI | His father Christos Papelis, Plessa, Greece | |||
164 | Papelos, Giorgio | Plessa | 23 | 1884 | 0 | Friedrich der Grosse | Going to see his brother Johan Papelos, ??? St Louis, Minnesota | |||
Papelu, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greek | 22 | 1888 | 0 | Themistocles | His brother Ioannis??? Papelis, 657 Water Street, Milwaukee, WI | His father Christos Papelis, Plessa, Greece | |||
166 | Papely, Efthimios | Plessa, Greece | 19 | 1891 | 0 | Themistocles | His brother Agisilaos??? Papelis, 682 Water Street, Milwaukee WI | His father Athanassos Papelis, Plessa Greece | Town name was spelled "Plossa". Was held for 3 days as LPC (Likely Public Charge) on a medical certificate before being allowed into the country | |
150 | Pappathanasiou , Evangelia A | Amegdalia, Greece | 1947 | |||||||
167 | Pappelis, Charilos | Plaisia, Greece | 1.914 | Pannonia | To his cousin John Mahas, 171 PO Box, Floodwood, Minnesota | To his father Christos Pappelis, Plessa, Greece | Town was spelled "Plaisia". Came before in 1905 & 1912, Floodwater, Minnesota | |||
166 | Pappelis, John | Plaisia, Greece | 1885 | 1.914 | Pannonia | To his cousin John Mahas, 171 PO Box, Floodwood, Minnesota | To his father Christos Pappelis, Plessa, Greece | Town was spelled "Plaisia". Came before in 1905 & 1912, Floodwater, Minnesota | ||
167 | Pardalas, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 49 | 1868 | 0 | Giuseppe Verdi | Wife: Theodoroula | Held for 10 days as LPC; he could not read or write. Same as Dimitrios Pordalaes who came in 1907 - was rejected. entered New York from Italy on his way to Montreal Canada rejected because he had been rejected once before in 1907-1911 | ||
168 | Pittes, Atban | Plessa, Greece | 30 | 1884 | 0 | |||||
169 | Pordalas, Dimitrios | Plessa | 32 | 1875 | 0 | Sofia Hohenberg | On his way to see John Papelis, cousin, 605 PO Box, Madison WI | NA | same as Pardalas, Dimitrios who came in 1910 and 1917 | |
170 | Pordalas, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 40 | 1870 | 0 | Athinai. | To his friend Iannis? Ja????, 75 Tower Street, NY . | His wife Martha Pordolas, Plessa, Greece. | same as Pardalas, Dimitrios who came in 1907 and 1917 | |
171 | Portonlas, George | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1896 | 0 | Patris | His uncle John Caranossos PO Box 30 Dewey, WI | His father Vassilios Potronlas, Plessa Greece | grandson of Andreas Kamoutsis | |
Portoula, George | 1.930 | accompanied by wife Maria, he is now a US Citizen | ||||||||
172 | Pourtoulas, Andrew | Plessa, Greece | 26 | 1891 | 0 | Celtic | His cousin Anastasi Contoyannis, 803 Tower, Superior WI | His father Vassilios, Plessa | grandson of Andreas Kamoutsis. Came before in 1909 and 19?? | |
Pourtoulas, Andrew | Pleassa, Greece | 18 | 1891 | 1.909 | Patris | His uncle Costas Caranassos, 125 Washington Street, NY | His father Vassilios, Plessa | single, first time in the US. grandson of Andreas Kamoutsis | ||
173 | Pourtoulas, Theodore | Plessa, Greece | 38 | 1871 | 0 | Patris | His compatriot Const. Caranassos, 125 Washington Street, NY | His wife Catherine, Plessa | spelled "Pourtonlas" on Ancestry | |
174 | Risvanis, Evangelos | Plesivitsa, Greece | 42 | 1878 | 0 | |||||
177 | Roubacas, Joannis | Plessia, Greece | 25 | 1882 | 1.907 | Laura | Heading to Milwaukee, WI | His father Athanasios Roubacas, Plessia, Greece | WW2 Draft under John Rubas living in Hibbing Minnesota | |
175 | Roupakias, John | Plessa, Greece | 30 | 1884 | 0 | Laconia | Original, then crossed out: His friend George T?????, New York. Written above: Superior, Wisconsin | His mother Efrossini??? Roupakias. He is listed as single | On the second page much has been crossed out is hard to read. It may say he has been to the US 2x before: 1907 and 1912??? | |
Roupakias, Stauros | Plessa, Greece | 23 | 1886 | 0 | Patris | His compatriot Aristotle Gianneatos??? (Giannaras???), 304 Market Street, NY | his nearest relative as his father Athanasios Roupakias, Plessa Greece. | was held for special enquiry for medical reasons in New York after arriving in 1909. He was allowed enter to the USA on April 24, 1909. WW2 Draft under the name Stavros Rubas living in Hibbing Minnesota | ||
176 | Rupakias, Stavos Athanasion | Plessa, Greece | 1888 | John Rupakias, Hibbing, MN | WW2 Draft Card. 13 Feb 1888. Same as Roupakias, Stauros | |||||
178 | Rupas, Steve A | Plesson, Greece | 1890 | His mother | WW1 Draft card. 13 Feb 1890 | |||||
Scandalis, Costantino | Plessas, Greece | 29 | 1888 | 0 | Giuseppe Verdi | His father ?lia Scandalis, 3??? Third, Brooklyn, NY | His mother Garafoula Scandalis, Plessas | The town name may be "Glossas" | ||
Sceparnias, Milliadis | Plessa, Greece | 33 | 1882 | 0 | Athinai | His cousin Andreas Sceparnias, 40 PO Box Superior, WI | His wife Marigo Sceparnias, Plessa, Greece | On his WW1 Draft card he lists his birthdate as Jan 20, 1877 and his nearest relative as Maria Skiparnias, Plessa Doridos, Greece | ||
179 | Sceparnios, Miltiadis | Plessa | 27 | 1880 | 0 | Sofia Hohenberg | His cousin, Efst. Caranosos, Dewey, Douglas County, WI | NA | Town misspelled as "Glessa" | |
180 | Sciparnias, Evangelos | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1891 | 0 | Patris | His brother Andrew Sciparnias, 973 North Water Street, Superior, WI | His father Georgios Sciparnias, Plessa Greece | Claims he has never been to the USA before | |
181 | Skakas, Georgios | Arnydali, Amegdalia | 1894 | |||||||
Skandalis, Constantinos | Plesia, Greece | 42 | 1878 | 0 | Patris | His cousin Dimetr. ??shos, ??? 40th Street, NY | His wife Athina Skandalis, Plasia Greece | Could not locate record in . Found in FamilySearch. Came before in 1912 | ||
182 | Skeparnas, Andreas G. | Plessa | 20 | 1887 | 0 | Sofia Hohenberg | His cousin Andreas Matsavas???, Madison, WI | NA | ||
183 | Skeparnias, Andreas | Plesa, Greece | 28 | 1886 | 0 | Patris | His cousin Haralambos Kokmotos, Superior, WI | His father George Skeparnias, Plessa, Greece | had been in the USA twice before: 1907 &1912 | |
184 | Skeparnias, Evagelos | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1890 | 0 | Athinai | His brother Andreas Skeparnias, PO Box Superior WI | His father George Skeparnias, Plessa, Greece | came before in 1911 and 1912 | |
185 | Skeparnias, Georgios | Plessa, Greece | 35 | 1879 | 0 | Laconia | His friend A. Caipoulos(?), NY | His wife Ekaterini Skeparnias, Plessa | too young to be the father of Andreas and Evangelos Skeparnias | |
Skepetaras, Ioannis | Stilia, Greece | 25 | 1885 | 1.910 | Athinai | His cousin George Kost???, 586 Main Street, Springfield, Mass | His wife Anthia???, Stylia, Greece | |||
Skepetaras, John | Stylia, Greece | 35 | 1879 | 1.914 | Saxonia | To his cousin Fotris?? Gaveras???, PO Box 63, Wllimar, Minnesota | His wife Anthia???, Stylia, Greece | Deported; came before in 1910-1912 | ||
187 | Tabelis, Stavros | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1885 | 0 | Athinai | To his brother Ioannis Tabelis, 125 Washington Street, NY | His wife Daphne? Tabelis, Plessa, Greece | Name may be Tempelis. If so, Father: Constantine, Mother: Sofia | |
188 | Tampelis, Sam | Plessa, Greece | 15 | 1896 | 1.912 | Record come from WW1 Draft (BD: Dec 15, 1896) and 1920 Census. His WW1 Registration only lists Andrew Tempalis as a relative. Spelling is also Tempelis. Could not locate in Ellis Island records. In WW2 a Sam Andrew registered from draft born March 6, 1896 and born in Plessa. Name may be Spyros? His father's name would be Andrew: if so, then his Brother 1: Constantine | ||||
189 | Tebelis, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1892 | 0 | Patris | To his relative Andrew Tebelis, 125 Washington Street, NY | His father Andrew Tebelis, Plessa, Greece | Deported, came again in 1910. Although he lists his father as Andrew, it is more likely he is the son of Nicholas, with a brother named Andrew Nicholas | |
189 | Tebelis, Efthmyios | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1903 | 1.921 | Pannonia | His brother Athanassios Tebelis, 117 South 61st Street, Duluth MN | His father Nicholas Tebelis, Greece | Father: Nicholas Mother? Brother 1: Dimitrios, Brother 2: Andrew Nicholas | |
Tebelis, John | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1882 | 0 | Moraitis | To his friend George Hardaloupas, Box 916, Orange NJ | His mother Sofia Tebelis, Plessa, Greece | Father: Constantine, Mother: Sofia. His birthdate on the Elis Island records would mean his father had him when he was 13. Not to be confused with the John Tempelis from Samos who settled in Neenah, WI | ||
194 | Tembelis, Athanas | Doris, Greece | 29 | 1888 | 1.917 | Canopic | His friend Spyros Maralis, 26 West Maple Street, Columbus OH | His father Nicholas Tembelis, Doris, Greece | Arrived in Boston MA. Father: Nicholas | |
190 | Tempelis, Andreas | Plessa | 18 | 1889 | 0 | Friedrich Der Grosse | His cousin Costas Coutonias, 973 N. Water Street, Milwaukee WI | NA | ||
191 | Tempelis, Andrew | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1892 | 0 | Patris | His relative John Chardaloupas, NE 125 Washington Street, NY | His mother Sofia Tebelis, Plessa, Greece | Father: Constantine, Mother: Sofia | |
193 | Tempelis, Constantine | Plessa, Greece | 30 | 1879 | 0 | Patris | To his compatriot George Athanos???, 7 Albany Street, NY | His wife Sofia Tempelis, Plessa Greece | Son 1: John, Son 2: Andrew | |
192 | Tempelis, Constantine (Gust) | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1892 | 0 | Patris | His relative John Chardaloupas, NE 125 Washington Street, NY | His father Andrew Tempelis, Plessa | Father: Andrew | |
Tempelis, Dimitrios | Plessa, Doridos, Greece | 18 | 1892 | 0 | Athinai | His brother Andrew N. Tempelis, No 31?5 W. Superior Street, Duluth, MN' | His father Nicholas Tempelis, Plessa Greece | Came earlier in 1909. Brother: Andrew, Father Nicholas | ||
195 | Tempelis, Tom N | Plessa, Greece | NA | 1898 | 1.918 | NA | NA | NA | Could not find immigration record in Ellis or Ancestry under that name - but see Athan. Tempelis. Info comes from his WW1 record. Lists his nearest relative as Nicholas Tempelis, Plessa | |
Thaidemenos (Haidemenos), Athanasios | Plessa, Doris | 18 | 1893 | 1.911 | Athinai | His brothers Georgios and Panay. Thaidemenos, ???? Milwaukee, WI | His father Constantinos Thaidemenos, Plessa | could not find record on Ancestry. Deported | ||
Theaharopulos, Efstathios | Plessa | 33 | 1874 | 0 | Sofia Hohenberg | Heading to his friend Efth. M???olas, PO Box 605 Madison, WI | married | |||
197 | Theoharopoulo, Sophia | Amegdalia, Greece | 6 | 1950 | 1.956 | Olympia | This is Steve Theo's sister. Info comes from her Natural Petition | |||
196 | Theoharopulos, Efstathios | Plessia, Greece | 41 | 1875 | 1.916 | Ioannina | To see his cousin Andre Skeparnias(?), PO Box 40, Superior, WI | His wife Evangelina Theoharopulos, Plessa Greece | was in the US before Superior, WI, 1907-1911 | |
198 | Tsakoumi, Athina | Plessia, Greece | 35 | 1.915 | Thessaloniki | |||||
Tselikas, Constantinos | Plesa, Greece | 46 | 1874 | 0 | ||||||
199 | Tselikis, Christos | Plesa, Greece | 43 | 1877 | 0 | |||||
Tsilos, Demitrios | Plessia, Greece | 52 | 1.916 | Ioannina | ||||||
Tsimekos, Christos | Vraila, Greece | 34 | 1886 | 1.920 | Pannonia | To his brother Tam. Tsimekos, PO Box 72 Superior, WI | Hus wife Katareni Tsimekos, Vraila, Greece | also arrived in 1914 | ||
Tsimekos, Vasilios Dionisios | Vraila, Greece | 1940 | 1.969 | Info comes from his petition | ||||||
Tsocunus, Panajotis | Plessia, Greece | Romanic | name inverted | |||||||
Tunbelis, Andreas | Plessa, Greece | 26 | 1891 | 0 | Dante Alighieri | His friend John Dalakis 1835 8th Ave, NY | His wife Qottsa??? Tunbelis, Plessa, Greece | May be the same Andrew Templis who arrived in 1909. Or the Andreas Tempelis who arrived in 1907.. Manifest says he came in 1907 and 1913 and worked in Wisconsin | ||
200 | Upamos, John | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1889 | 0 | Could not find record in Ancestry or Ellis | ||||
Vaailatos (Le Gakes), Ecaterina | Vraila (Braila), Greece | 1888 | SS Zeeland | Was married to John, divorced. Info comes from her 1945 petition | ||||||
Vacrinos, Panagiotis | Plessa, Greece | 19 | 1891 | 0 | Athinai | His cousin Georges Chatzis, 125 Washington Street, NY | His father Stamatou(?) Vacrinos, Plessa | Never been to the US before | ||
201 | Vasos, James Evangelos | Vraila (Braila), Greece | 1934 | Info comes from his SS App | ||||||
167 | Vasselis, Agisilaos [Passelis, Agisilaos] | Plessa, Greece | 24 | 1883 | 0 | |||||
202 | Vlahogiannis, Georgios | Plesia, Greece | 1884 | 0 | Megali Hellas | |||||
204 | Voustinos, Athanassios | Plessa, Greece | 37 | 1884 | 0 | Belvedere | His cousin Dimitrios Ballas, 1510 West Michigan Street, Duluth, Minnesota | His wife Maria Voustinos, Plessa, Greece | came before in 1909 and 1911 to Duluth, Minnesota. May be the same as the 1910 with father: Andreas | |
203 | Voutsinas, Eftimios | Plesia, Greece | 52 | 1864 | 1.916 | Ioannina | To his friend Athan. K???????, 121 Lexington Street, New York, NY | His wife Varsamos(?) Voutsinas, Plessia, Greece | deported. Was in the country before 1907-1912 | |
Voutsinos, Athanassios | Plessa, Greece | 27 | 1883 | 0 | Athinai | To his uncle Epaminondas Papageorgiou, 125 Washington Street, NY | His father Andrew Voutsinos, Plessa, Greece | Father: Andreas Full: Athanassios Andreas Voutsinos | ||
Voutsinos, Constantinos | Plessa, Greece | 20 | 1890 | 0 | Athinai | To his uncle Epaminondas Papageorgiou, 125 Washington Street, NY | His father Andrew Voutsinos, Plessa, Greece | Father: Andreas. Full: Constantinos Andreas Voutsinos | ||
205 | Voutsinos, Constas (Constatine?) | Plessa, Greece | 25 | 1882 | 1.907 | Prinzess Irene | His friend Agamemnon? Panag(illegible), 3 Market Ave?, New York | NA | Birthdates are a bit off, so this is a presumed Consta. Andreas | |
207 | Voutsinos, Demetrios | Plessa, Greece | 35 | 1879 | 0 | Patris | To his cousin Athan. ?????, 125 Washington Street, NY | His father Andrew Voutsinos, Plessa, Greece | Father: Andreas. Demetrios Andreas Voutsinos is different from Dimitrios Ioannis. Held for 6 days a LPC (Likely public charge) and deported | |
208 | Voutsinos, Demetrius | Plessa, Greece | 17 | 1890 | 0 | Moraitis | His relative John Papageorgio 973 Water Street, Superior, WI | His father John Voutsinos, Plessa, Greece | Father: John. same as Dimitrios Ioannis who came again in 1909. On his WW2 draft card a James Efthimios lists the nearest relative (Mrs James John) (probably his brother's wife) and gives his birth date as Oct 26, 1894. This birth date is close to the Nov 16, 1894 birth the date on James (Demetrios) Voutsinos Naturalization paperwork and the ships match. The paperwork was filed out in 1937 and he was still single. On a WW2 Draft card a John J Vuchenos lists his birthdate as Nov 16, 1894. His lists his brother John Efth. Vuchenos as his nearest relative. He died in 1949. | |
209 | Voutsinos, Demetrius | Plessa, Greece | 18 | 1891 | 0 | Patris | His cousin Constantinos Voutsinos, 973 Water Street, Superior, WI | His mother Vassona??? Voutsinos, Plessa, Greece | Father: John. same as Dimitrios Ioannis who came again in 1907 | |
210 | Voutsinos, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 36 | 1878 | 1.914 | Laconia (1912) | His friend John Or???, 125 Washington Street NY | His father Andreas, Plessa | April 2nd, 1914; name was scratched out and he may have been deported. This page of the manifest is not indexed in ancestry. He was traveling with John and Nick Voutsinos | |
212 | Voutsinos, Dimitrios | Plessa, Greece | 36 | 1878 | 0 | Patris | same record for Demetrios Andreas | same record for Demetrios Andreas | Father: Andreas. same record for Demetrios Andreas | |
Voutsinos, Dimitrios (James) | Plessa, Greece | 26 | 1889 | 0 | Athinai | His brother Constantinos Voutsinos, 64 PO Box, Superior, WI | his father Christos Voutsinos, Plessa, Greece | Father: Christos. is Dimitrios Christos Voutsinos | ||
218 | Voutsinos, George | Plessa, Greece | 38 | 1877 | 0 | Athinai | His brother Nicholas Voutsinos, PO Box 40, Superior WI | His wife Violeta Voutsinos, Plessa, Greece | Father: Andreas??? George Andrew? Voutsinos. Came before in 1909 and 1910 to Superior, WI. A Nicholas Voutsinos came in 1907 and listed his Father as Andreas | |
215 | Voutsinos, George | Plessa, Greece | 30 | 1879 | 0 | Patris | To his compatriot Aristotle Giannetos???, ??? Market Street, NY | His wife Violeta Voutsinos, Plessa, Greece | ||
213 | Voutsinos, George | Plessa, Greece | 22 | 1893 | 0 | Athinai | His brother James (Dim.) Voutsinos, PO Box 40, Superior WI | His father John Voutsinos, Plessa, Greece | Father: John. George John Voutsinos. Came before in 1911 and 1913 to Superior, WI | |
216 | Voutsinos, Georgios | Plessa, Greece | 35 | 1877 | 0 | Argentina | His cousin Chris. Cocomoto???, 801 Tower Ave, Superior, WI | His wife Eleni, Plessa, Greece | Came before in 1907 and 1910 to Cloquet, Minnesota | |
219 | Voutsinos, John | Plessa, Greece | 39 | 1875 | 0 | Laconia (1912) | His friend Athan. Varna????, 125 Washington Street, NY | His wife Georgia Voutsinos, Plessa, Greece | Came before in 1909 and 1912 to Superior, WI. Could not find record in Ancestry | |
217 | Voutsinos, John | Plessa, Greece | 33 | 1876 | 0 | Patris | His brother Constatine Voutsinos, 125 Washington Street, NY | His wife Georgia Voutsinos, Plessa, Greece | ||
220 | Voutsinos, John | Plessa, Greece | 16 | 1898 | 0 | To his friend Boras? (illegible) 5th Battery Street, New York | His mother Violeta Voutsinos, Plessa Greece | may not have been admitted. Possible his father is George Coutsinos | ||
221 | Voutsinos, Micolaos | Plessa, Greece | 30 | 1884 | 0 | His friend John ???, 125 Washington Street NY | His wife Vasiliki Voutsinos, Plessa | Father: Andreas. Nicholas Andreas Voutsinos, came before in 1907 and 1912, Milwaukee WI | ||
222 | Voutsinos, Nicolaos | Plessa, Greece | 22 | 1885 | 0 | Moraitis | To his relative Epaminondas Papageorgiou, 973 North Water Stree, Milwaukee, WI | His father Andreas Voutsinos, Plessa, Greece | Father: Andreas. Nicholas Andreas Voutsinos | |
223 | Voutsis, Georgios | Plessa, Greece | 36 | 1878 | 0 | Laconia | To his friend Boras? (illegible) 5th Battery Street, New York | His wife Violeta Voutsis, Plessa Greece | Deported; came before 1909 and 1911 | |
224 | Voutzsinos, Georgios | Plessa, Doris | 19 | 1892 | 1.911 | Athinai | His brother Dimitrios Voutzsinos, ??? Tower Street Milwaukee, WI | His father Ioannis? Voutsinos, Plessa Greece | Father: John. George John Voutsinos. Could not find in ancestry. | |
225 | Vuchenos (Votsinos), James Efthimios | Plessa, Greece | 29 | 1891 | 1.920 | Susquehanna | His cousin Contsantinos Kotonias, PO Box 17, Pittsburgh PA | His father Efthimios Votsinos, Vitrinitsa, Greece | On his 1920 entry he lists his birth year as 1891 and under the name Demitrios Votsinos coming from Vitrinitsa, Greece and born in Plessa, Greece. He says he came twice before: 1907 (California) and 1913 (Illinois) and is planning on staying 6 years. On a Minnesota Naturalization paperwork there is a James Efthimios Vuchinos and his birthdate is August 1, 1894. The application states he arrived in 1920 on the ship Susquehanna. The other Dim (James) were born in different years: Dim Andreas (1878) and Dim Christos (1889). | |
Vuchenos, James | Plessa | 1893 | NA | NA | NA | In 1917, Another "James Vuchenos" lists his birth date as Dec 19, 1893 on his WW1 card with a father, mother, 2 brothers and 2 sisters. He is living at 1315 99th Ave W, Duluth, MN and working at a steel plant. He is single. In 1922, 1924, 1926 a James Vuchenos at that address is listed as working in a cafe or billiards store. | ||||
Vutsinos (Vutrinay), Euthemios (Enthimios) | Plessa, Greece | 35 | 1872 | 0 | Moraitis | To his compatriot G. Chaidemos???, 973 North Water Street, Milwaukee, WI | His wife Valsanus? Plessa (Nafpakto?), Greece | Could this be John/Efthimois? Except: he was born in 1864 and came later | ||
226 | Vutsinos, Giorgios | Plessa, Greece | 30 | 1877 | 0 | Moraitis | His cousin Christos Kamoto??? (Komotos??) 975 Water Street, Milwaukee, WI | His wife Eleni, Plessa, Greece | George ? Voutsinos | |
228 | Yannaras (Giannaras), Giorgios Elias | Plessia, Greece | 37 | 1929 | 1.956 | SS Queen Frederica | Info comes from his Nat paperwork; may be the brother of Peter Elie Yannaras | |||
227 | Yannaras, Andreas | Plessa | 30 | 1876 | 0 | Gerty | His friend Theocharis Velias, 657 6th Ave, NY | NA | ||
229 | Yannaras, Panagiotis Elie [Peter Yannaras] | Amygdalia, Greece | 20 | 1931 | 1.951 | SS Nea Hellas | Info comes from his Nat paperwork. According to Steve Theo: He married his wife Christine (also from Doridos) in 1952 in Milwaukee. They have 2 children (born in the US): Louis (1953) and James (1955) |
Last, don’t forget to check out the many different family names and variations.