Greeks In Minneapolis – Part 1 (11-13-2017)

After working on the railroads in the 1910s and 1920s, many Greeks settled in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Below are three newspaper articles written by or about some of the Greeks who settled in Minneapolis. You can download full size copies here

St Cloud Times, April 1950


Nick Haidos from Miliea, Phocis, Nov 1986, page 1


page 2


Nick Haidos Aug 1993 page 1





Plessa (Amygdalia) Emigrants – Spreadsheet (UPDATED 11-11-2017)

A few years back, Plessa (Amygdalia) had a website. Someone went through the United States Ellis Island records and pulled the names of 200+ villagers who came to America for work.  The website is gone, but I still have the spreadsheet and have uploaded a copy here.    Amygdalia-Plessa Variations Immigration

Plessa Ellis Island Lite

Generated by wpDataTables

In the intervening years, I’ve created my own spreadsheet and added much more content- the names of the ships, who they were traveling to, who they left behind. This is not completed, but  I have also uploaded the most current copy.  I will update it as it changes.

Copy dated 11-11-2017  AMYGDALIA IMMIGRANTS With Details PUBLIC

Plessa Detailed Ellis Island

Generated by wpDataTables

Last, don’t forget to check out the many different family names and variations.